Week 6
This week I mainly doing design work. And this week, I have to chance to work directly with client. There was a client come at the morning and ask if we could redesign the door sign for his hospital. By talking to him, I think he is some sort of agency because he knows several fonts choice. Here are something I designed base on what he needs. Originally, all font in his example are Arial, but he is not quite satisfied with it. I offer Helvetian and Impact to him, and the exam room I think Arial works pretty well on it so I suggest him to keep.
The second design I did is base on a short email. My supervisor wants me to design something and translate some adjective word to Chinese. Since the email did not indicate any design wise opinion, I asked my supervisor what type of company it is. My supervisor told me the client is an artist, and just want something very simple but not a commercial sign. I think in this case I can just play around with different font choice, color palette and text placement. Here are the three option I have done and sent to get approved.
This is not a design. It was a finished product for our client. Now he want to add an address number on it, so I have 6 placement for his option. I think the client might want to redesign the whole thing because it is not a perfect piece. However, our store policy will not offer changes on finished product because it was approved and printed out. What we can do for him is adding the number on whatever we have already done. I learned that is very important to have contract with our client, because we are not able to do extra works for unreasonable request. In this case, we protect ourselves, and also provide solution to the client.