IAB MIXX & SVA Gallery


IAB MIXX Conference is held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Time square, New York. That’s one of the most gorgeous place I ever been. It is modern designed and big. When I stepped to the lobby area, the environment just like an international community. People were dressing up nice and professional. This field trip is fulfilled with surprises and experience. Whichever sponsor I went to, they are so confident talking. I admired that how deep they realize their company and how they positioned their company to their target audience.  Among those company, There are two companies I was particularly pay attention to.


The first company is Gumgum. First of all, I think Gumgum is a funny name and easy to be remembered. When I got closer to their representative, they invited me to take a snapshot. After we introduced each other, Alisa(one of the representatives) introduce what their company doing. According the research I did online, Gumgum is a latest growth company which focus on a new form of digital online advertising. They basically create a short video ad that pop up on the image instead of pop up at the corner of the site. I think that’s very creative because it can directly draw audiences’ attention. When audience reading an article online, they might focus on the content area. If the ads just appear at the corner or just bottom, they would usually just ignored it. However, popping up on the content image will be within audiences’ focus. That’s a very smart concept.


Weibo is the second company I want to talk about. Weibo is the most popular social media in China. Like the twitter in the U.S. People updating their daily activity to their personal page and let another to comment. The representative told me that most of their income is from commercial advertising. The reason they held this conference is to introduce American business a path to enter the Chinese market. The company have an explicit system. These people who held the conference belonged to the marketing group, and they have many different department like product development, web management and etc. Unlike twitter, when you enter to the Weibo page, it is most likely a news site. Weibo home page have updated news on numbers category, and it incorporated with blogger element. When you sign in you blogger, you can also go the event blog page to discuss about the latest news. Of course you can also just focus on blogging.

When I entered to the SVA gallery, there is a room surrounded by logos.


JFK logo has very good use of lines. Every second stroke is connecting to the next letter. Every letters are naturally blended together. I really like the way the uses of space.


The downtown logo is very smart to exploit letters as imagery. I like it’s simple, The designer is very brilliant to use different size of letter to create a cityscape affect.


I am interested at this logo too. It uses very simple silhouette to symbolized something. Very symmetrical, simple, and direct.



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