2nd Journal Entry

Week 2

My role in the company is a designer. I design layout and graphic. The name of my supervisor is Vicki Wong, and her title is art director manager. I received this by asking directly to the supervisor. When I passed by the place, I just walk into it and ask if they need interned student. A staff brings me to the supervisor. The supervisor asked me how many hours do I need, and I tell her 120 hrs. She told me come on Thursday. That ‘s how I got my internship. The process just takes a minute. The only question I asked is “if you need interned student.” I realized that it’s not a successful interview because last week we have discuss about employee benefits, and I did not realize I have to ask any of those concerns.

My assignment for this week is design a draw an effect of a windshield door for Howard Johnson Hotel. What I basically do is using photoshop to create a door base on how the client required it should be done. I have design this and send it to the client for approved. The way I design the door is base on the information my supervisor passed on to me.(8 doors, only the two door at the middle can be opened, glass top and metal bars in between two door.)





My process is design the door in photoshop—->download the hotel picture from internet—->Attach the door to the hotel image.

After I finish this, I got another assignment  to work on. I have to design a wall sign for the bank of China. Because the Chinese font they sent us was not able to load in our computer, we have to request for the font kit. I finish everything but the Chinese typography, my coworker followed up and finished it.


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