
osmosis (n.)

the process of gradual or unconscious assimilation of ideas, knowledge

Merriam Webster definition, ” a usually effortless often unconscious assimilation”. I found this word in the text ‘How better photos can help you document, and shape, your neighborhood’ by Patrick Sission

“All of my writing and blogging is osmosis from my dad…”

this is when we hear something, or learn something new, and unknowingly incorporate it into ourselves, whether it be our dialogue,  habits etc.  this word could even be substituted for learned.

so this sentence now means “All of my writing and blogging, i learned from my dad…”


Cull (v.)

reduce the population of (a wild animal) by selective slaughter.

On Merriam Webster, meaning ‘to reduce or control the size of (something, such as a herd) by removal (as by hunting) of especially weaker animals’  “the tool, Wind Sand and Stars“, by Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

“…gentler than the culling of a flower…”

culling sounds a bit similar to killing, which this words definition closely resembles  , so the sentence means Killing a flower or a bunch of flowers.


Reflexive (adj.)

On Merriam Webster, meaning “marked by or capable of reflection”, I found this word in the passage “How better photos can help you document, and shape, your neighborhood” by Patrick Sission.

” Use the camera as a reflexive tool.”,

now understanding the meaning, the sentence becomes

“Use the camera as a means to reflect, or to look back on and see yourself”


Computations (n.)

On Merriam Webster, meaning ‘the act or action of computing: calculations’,  I found this word in the passage “the tool, Wind Sand and Stars“, by Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

“All of man’s industrial efforts, all his computations and calculations…”

i Understand this word as computer related, so it would be doing calculations via computer or even using a calculator.

so this sentence becomes “…all his computations (computer calculations) and calculations…”


Bungalow (n.)

On Merriam Webster, meaning “A one-storied house with a low-pitched roof,” i found this word in the passage ‘Here, Poverty and Privilege are Neighbors’,  by, Janny Scottmarch, in the sentence “…modest row houses, apartment buildings, dilapidated bungalows..”

this sentence now becomes “modest row houses, apartment buildings, dilapidated one story homes”, and because of it’s strange sound, i don’t think i’m going to forget it’s meaning.



  • A continuous sequence or range
  • This phrase was use in the article called “Here Poverty and Privilege are Neighbors; Income Gaps are a Source of Resentment and guilt” by Janny Scott   and describes the top fifth average households spectrum income has exceeded at least 24 time than the bottom fifth.



  • Calm, peaceful, and untroubled; tranquil.
  • This phrase was use in the article called “Here Poverty and Privilege are Neighbors; Income Gaps are a Source of Resentment and guilt” by Janny Scott and Janny describe the old immigrants serene in the Brooklyn beach while they wait on a line.



  • Persistently avoid, ignore or reject (someone or something) through antipathy or cautions.
  • This phrase was use in the article called “Here Poverty and Privilege are Neighbors; Income Gaps are a Source of Resentment and guilt” by Janny Scott and as the population swelled and real estate price increased, the wealthy had pushed into neighbors when they were “shunned.”



  • “Marked by or suggestive of utter calm and unruffled repose or quietude”. (Merriam Webster)
  • This phrase was use in the article called “Here Poverty and Privilege are Neighbors; Income Gaps are a Source of Resentment and guilt”  by Janny Scott and along the beach in Brooklyn appear a stark line of demarcation (dividing lines) and one of these lines are the “serene” immigrant line separated from the others.



-a band of colors, as seen in a rainbow, produced by separation of the components of light by their different degrees of refraction according to wavelength

-used to classify something, or suggest that it can be classified, in terms of its position on a scale between two extreme or opposite points.