Field Trip to New Lab

The one new thing I learned from the field trip is the machine they use for prototype and team up with different companies to help them make new technology.  I really the details of the prototype to be exact of what the person wants and also the building itself and its history amaze me and how pretty it looks inside.

Field Trip to New Lab

Farm Shelf

New Lab was filled with many interesting creations and inventions from many different company’s. One of the things I saw and remembered the most was the U Farm shelf. Most good that you by at your local market or restaurants, travel 1500 miles before they are prepared to eat. Eating Fresh grown food is better for the environment and its healthier. With Farm shelf, you are able to almost effortlessly grow ur own food where you live,work, or commune.I think this a really cool, because you could also learn a little about how to farm and grow food.

Field Trip to New Lab


Outside the New Lab

What I learned from the field trip to New lab would be about the how helpful the place is to different companies and be used as a work area and resource, such as with getting materials or the usage of 3D printing for prototype models. On our way there what really became interesting was the entrance, it was eye-catching to see something castle like related in a place where new inventions or future product are being made.

Field Trip to New Lab

One thing I learned about the trip was that metal 3d printing exists but it’s very dangerous. Which is why companies choose to make prototypes of their products in plastic. In the experience of walking there, it made me think of the juxtaposition between old and new. The New lab was very advanced and technology-based while the exterior of the buildings outside seemed old. The one thing that caught my attention was the color of these plants and the doorway looking brand new, modern compared to the old brick wall that had vines growing on it. Personally, I find this very pretty because the color is the first thing that attracts my attention, then the door that has a black frame and the white curtain has a “simple” look with good contrast.

New lab trip

The first photo is the new lab and second is the farm shelf that was on the second floor outside of the 3d printing room. I liked the farm shelf. You can easily grow plants here and instead of gardening you can use the farm shelf. You wouldn’t need to wait weeks to get plants transferred to the city. Also instead of paying, you can grow your own. It makes farming available wherever you are, like the city where farms don’t exist. They even grow faster than it would in fields. It is also small and does not take up many space.

Field Trip to New Lab

In October 22, 2018, is a field trip to New Lab in 19 Morris Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11205. New Lab is a Old Big remodel facility located on the Brooklyn Navy Yard. Back in the 1900s during WWI & WWII, this area used to be a factory yard where they build Navy ships to send them to war. Today, this place called New Lab is a facility where all engineering companies join together and produces some advance technology such as A.I, 3D Printing, virtual reality and more. First, they represent a piece of item made from 3D printing that is supposed to be the part of the rocket’s nozzle and showed us a video of testing the item. Then, they introduced the 3D printing which is very big to produce anything lesser than its sizes and showed us some nice items created by the 3D printing. I’ve never seen how a 3D printing actually works until to this day and I was quite amazed when they also introduced one of the produces that they call eco-friendly and it does have some great advantages of benefiting the ecosystem.

Cooper Hewitt Design

Ultrahaptics was the most compelling to me out of all the exhibits at the museum. I found the Ultrahaptics interesting because it caught my eye with it’s monitor and how it showed bubbles and then the ultrasonic audio waves where you can feel what is showing on the monitor.
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Ultrahaptics ( Bristol, UK, founded 2013 )

The materials used to create the work is Ultrahaptic transducer array, motion sensor, monitor, electronics.

Field trip to new lab

Portal soundscapes

The portal soundscape was a piece that I feel like not a lot of people went to because it just looked like a video that you watch and listen to but once you really go under the the tube you could hear the sounds like your actually a part of the setting. Also looking at the video you can actually feel like your listening and hearing  like your apart of the hospital that your in.

Feather fountain

The feather fountain- was one of the pieces of artwork that I found most interesting, because the way that it looked when we first walked in was amazing and it kind of look like actual birds flying around. When I walked up to it, I seen that it was feathers and they were flying in and around a fan. The air coming from the fan was very calm but powerful enough to keep the feathers floating.

Field trip to cooper Hewitt

What I liked about the portal soundscape was that it really felt authentic. It was as if I was standing there in the real area . I feel like most classmates may have missed this exhibit because it seemed inconspicuous in comparison to most of the other exhibits.

I liked the feather fountain. exhibit because it was very noticeable. It looked as if the air was juggling the feathers. Anyone was able to grasp the feather out of the air as it was floating.

Field Trip

0604, SNOW STORM, 2018

The work I found most compelling was Snow Storm. The reason why I found it most compelling was due to how they were hanging and their color. When I heard the audio I knew the snowballs would be tied up with string to be hanging down from however the size and color was something I imagine differently. Turns out it use a light teal color for the snowballs, that could also be affected by the scent that the snowballs have.

Materials for it: Wool, chimes, ribbon, scent;

0408, Cotodama Lyric Speaker, 2016

The speaker was also an interesting one because it had to do with sound. The screen will show geometric shapes and lyrics of the song being played base on its songs characteristic, whether there’d be a hard or soft sound the lyrics and shapes would go along with it. This was interesting because it would connect with the current project that will be worked on in class.

Materials: galvanized steel, acrylic plate; Courtesy of COTODAMA and Songs, “Number One”; Performed by Portugal. The Man; “Don’t Love Me”; Performed by Janine; “Sticky”; Performed by Ravyn Lenae