Sound Visualization Mashup: Phase 3

Mashup Animation

My animation consist of different shapes, organic and geometric. With the organic shape (infinite circle) appears and disappear fastly to indicate the speed of the staccato fast beats. I really wanted to show that in my work. That each circle has their own start, but ends the same. With the long flowing lines was more legacto to view its smooth movements on the lines itself, and how they collide.  I worked on these project more than 6 hours since I did some in classes and own my own.

Sound Visualization: Phase 4


During this project, I learned how to work photoshop to create a mashup of different pieces of drawings that I made. though I did feel like I wanted to do more, I am still happy with the outcome. I also wish that I had made my inking piece a lot better because the lines were not straight at all, that made me have to put in a black background instead of a white one. in the future, I would like to do this a lot better and with more legato and staccato pieces.  I would also like to learn how to use the animations in photoshop more so that it could be more smooth the next time we do something like this.


Sound visualization: Phase 1

These are the sketches that I made for the staccato and legato pieces of music that we did in class. Most of these I didnt use because they were either too much to draw or just didn’t really like it enough to put it on the finishing piece. Some of them were also inspired by some of the muni was listening to.

Sound Visualization: Phase 3


This animation is 10 seconds long and I decided not to have both my audio for staccato and legato overlapping each other. I wanted the two songs to have their own impact and, the drawings I did for each song to move with the audio meant for it. The song for staccato is called Black Sheep by Metric, and the legato song is called when the party is over by Billie Eilish.

Overall Hours: 6 hrs

Project#2: Phase 4

This Project was very interesting ,I learned a lot about staccato and legato sounds. Drawing sound was a bit difficult but it was also very fun to do as well. Animating my drawing took a lot of time,there were a lot of issues that I ran into, but I took the time to resolve them. I really enjoy playing around with the animation part of photoshop. It took me 3 days to complete the animation, and after all the hard work I put into, I could say that I’m happy with how it turned out.  Oh and also, after todays critique, I fixed the fading out of my animation so that it begins to fade early than it did before, resulting in a clean fade towards the end, so that’s no longer an issue as well.






Sound Visualization Mashup: Phase 4


I learned how to move images with a timeline. Although similar to video editing I did not know that you could skip frame by frame animation in photoshop. I think I could have done better in the inking, it isn’t as dynamic and interesting as I imagined it would look like. Because I tend to make my images ambiguous and chaotic it is a struggle to simplify it and make it interesting so in my next project, I will do my best to find a balance between the two. Although it is suggested that I should put an abrupt change in the animation, I struggle to find where to insert this advice because the images all match the speed and energy of the music notes. I will keep this in mind to not be constricted to only timing in future projects so that I can easily implement change.

Phase 1: Discover

Phase 2: Define

Phase 3: Develop