Project 3 : Juxtaposition

The image I have chosen is a picture of a tree branch stuck in a fence. The image raises various questions. These are questions such as how did the fence get intertwined with the branch. There is also the thought if it was done intentionally. If it was intentionally done then the thought that follows is why.
I chose this image because I felt that it was very out of the ordinary. It almost seemed as though a tree was cut and the remains of it are stuck in the fence. However, it may be likely that the branch was placed there into the fence. This is likely because that is an area where people do a lot of things for art purposes. For example in that same area there is a wall spray painted with an interesting looking design. This leads me to believe that the branch may have been placed there intentionally.
The branch appears to be significant because of the fence. The pattern on the fence serves as a background that makes the tree branch stand out. The tree branch stands out more in the fence than it would in most other places.

Color interactions: Phase 4

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

This project took me about 6 hours in total. I felt as if I could’ve done more because Phase 2 was kind of hard for me and I tried my best ornament my abilities to complete it.

Color interactions: Phase 2

This part of the phase took me two hours to get done. It was a bit challenging initially because I had to find out how to adjust different colors together. I also had to find how to make different colors compliment each other and to make them into an illusions.


Color Interaction Parings: Phase 1

Based on the articles presented, it seems that color, is relative and distinct based on the eye.  According to Josef Albers in The Magic and  Logic of Color;

So color is open to interpretation, meaning in one way or another we all see color a little differently than what it actually is. Based on what I was able to comprehend about color theory, it appears that having your color makes it able to be interpreted differently. Color also has very distinct appearances and saturations. In short, color is the expression manifested into our own eyes.

Color Interaction : phase 3

Step 1 – Color Research Process

calm, friendly, sports, video games.

Step 2 – Color Mockups 

I picked blue for sally because that just so happens to be one of her favorite colors. Also blue happens to be a primary color so i thought that blue for her would be very nice. Also blue is a shared color between us.

Step 3 –  Icon Research Process

I chose to pick a duck for sally because shes free spirited. Shes also very calm in many ways. last but not least she told me that she likes ducks.


This part of the project took me 2 hours.


Project 3 draft

The image I have chosen is a picture of a tree branch stuck in a fence. The image raises various questions. These are questions such as how did the fence get intertwined with the branch. There is also the thought if it was done intentionally. If it was intentionally done then the thought that follows is why. I chose this image because I felt that it was very out of the ordinary. It almost seemed as though a tree was cut and the remains of it are stuck in the fence. However, it may be likely that the branch was placed there into the fence. This is likely because that is an area where people do a lot of things for art purposes. For example in that same area there is a wall spray painted with an interesting looking design. This leads me to believe that the branch may have been placed there intentionally.