
Melancholy(adjective)- suggestive or expressive of sadness or depression of mind or spiritsang in a melancholy voice

bcausing or tending to cause sadness or depression of mind or spirit DISMALmelancholy thought

2adepressed in spirits :DEJECTEDSAD


This word was  encountered in ” A Literary Visitor Strolls in Airport” by Charles McGrath.

the sentence in which the word was used says ” The next morning Mr. Self, who is unusually tall and very thin and has a long, melancholy face he once described as looking ” like a bag full of genitals,” packed his knapsack, rolled a cigarette and, puffing from a Hunter Thompson-style cigarette holder, set off on foot for Manhattan.

The author uses the word Melancholy to describe the gloomy expression on Mr.selfs face.  Melancholy deals with stress and depression, so to describe someone face expression using this word gives the audience and image of someone with a desolate look.


Nematode(noun) –  any of a phylum (Nematoda or Nemata) of elongated cylindrical worms parasitic in animals or plants or free-living in soil or water

— called also roundworm

This was word was encountered in  “A Literary Visitor Strolls in From the Airport” by Charles McGrath

The sentence in which this word was used says ” Actually, instead of looking at individual buildings, it makes more metaphorical sense to think of New York as one enormous chunk of masonry that has been cut up and carved away. It says , This is the ultimate polis, through which humans move like nematodes.”

The author uses a metaphor describing how humans move like nematodes. When a Nematode moves, it looks as though it’s body is rapidly squirming around or as though it’s whipping its body side to side to move. I think that the author is trying to describe the movement of  commuting  New Yorkers.




Project#3: Juxtaposition


I chose this image of a building for my juxtaposition project. To get to this building, If  standing  right outside the main doors of the Namm hall building, you must turn  right and  walk straight ahead across the street. After walking across the street you begin to see the building about halfway across the block.

I chose this image of this particular building because it stood out more. The architectural design is different from the rest of the buildings around it. The buildings around it has your usually rectangular shape, but this building has more interesting shapes such as the the triangular pyramid roof, and the cylinder pillars,and little cone like shapes on some parts of the building.

Sound Visualization Mashup: Phase 1


Time: 40 min

As I play the song the first sound I hear reminds me of steel drums or steel pans being  played gently, giving off a sort of mellow vibe. It kind of reminds me of the beach during a summer day. Next  you here one single beat , and at the same time a  you can hear what I think Sounds like a high pitched Kazoo echoing in the background and Childish Bambino begins to sing. As Gambino sings, you hear the  Kazoo like sound played a few times  through out the song and and what sounds like Maracas. After 1 minute and 18sec into the song you hear a beat played repeatedly to create a rhythm and all the previous sounds heard at the beginning in being played in the background. All of these sounds are played together as one throughout the whole song.

In my sound representation  drawing, the zig zagged lines with circle or ovals represent the steel drummed like sounds. The zig zag lined kind of follows the rhythm if the steel drums. The sort if squiggly lines that go up than down represents the Kazoo like sound that when played was high pitch but towards the end kind of dropped a little. The circles represent the different beats played throughout the song. And the tiny triangles seen at the top of my sound representation represent the Maracas  played a few times in the song. All of these sound were chosen by the artist to give off the summertime like vibe.

Childish Gambino – Summertime


Finished project#2

Hey there! My name is Garance Lynch, I am a student at New York City College of Technology and I major in Communications Design. Ever since I was a little kid, I have always been interested in art in general. At school art class was always my favorite class. I was always very imaginative and drew anything that came to mind, art made me feel free. The art I’m particularly interested in now is digital art and street art. I have a passion for drawing and illustrating. I’m a burger guy, I really love cheeseburgers. I love to hang out with friends with no family, play video games, watch movies, anime, and listen to music. I consider myself to be an outgoing person. I think it’s great to meet new people and make new friends. My personal philosophy is to “Do you”, do what makes you happy, do what you love and to never let anyone tell you otherwise. This personal philosophy that I follow basically encourages open-mindedness. I feel it’s important to do what makes you feel happy, comfortable, and free. I hope to one day become a Graphic Designer or Marketing Designer. Before I can even think of my career, I am focused on getting great grades in college and eventually graduating with a Bachelor’s Degree.
The Avatar I chose was one of many murals created by a street artist Called Buff Monster. I chose this as my Avatar because it reflects on my interest in Street art. The mural contains different bright colored, funny looking monster characters. This art corporate a lot of humor, imagination, and creativity all aspects I feel have. In his art pieces he uses a lot of bold, long flowing organic lines and organic shapes, and warm colors such as green,pink,orange , and yellow, that really pop and grab your attention, this gives off a really fun, exciting, and chill vibe, all characteristics I feel can be used to describe me.

Although I feel the image I chose  as my Avatar does a great job at depicting who I am and what my intrest are, there are a few things people might misinterpret when looking at my Avatar. One misinterpretation people might have is that I major in illustrations instead of communication design.  People might be confused by this because of  the goofy characters seen in the image. People might also think that I want to become an professional illustrator, a career where I can create my own characters . As cool as that would be, it’s not something I want to pursue.As I said in my bio, I would like to one day pursue a career in graphic design or marketing design. These are some misinterpretations some people might make when viwevie my avatar.
After I completed my profile, I felt as though I did a great job at conveying what kind of person I am. My profile talks about the things I like and love, It talks about the things I care about, and the things I’m passionate about. I also feel that my profile conveys personality very well. I feel I wrote enough information to give people an idea of what kind of guy I am. When creating this profile I admit it was pretty hard, it’s not really easy to talk about myself, but for the most part, I feel that I wrote about who I am truthfully am, instead of trying to write about what people want to hear. I hope people like the person I am and maybe we can become friends. I hope that people can get a clear idea on what type of person I am, I also hope that this profile can help attract many creative artistic people with similar intrests and Ideas.


Culminate (verb)

1. To reach it’s the highest altitude – Mariam Webster dictionary

2. To rise to or form a summit reach the highest or a climactic or decisive point

This word was found in an essay called “The Tool”.

The sentence which shows how the  word was used says, “Have you ever thought, not only about the airplane but about whatever man builds, that all of man’s industrial efforts, all his computations, and calculations, all the nights spent over working draughts and blueprints, invariably culminate in the production of a thing whose sole and guiding principle is the ultimate principle of simplicity?”

When I think of the word Culminate, I think of the word climax. To culminate is to reach the highest point.




Urban Artifacts: Phase 4

Ambiguous figure/ground relationship
Stable figure/ground relationship



This project has thought me many things. I learned about the difference between geometric and organic shapes. I learned a lot about positive and negative space and how they correlate to stable and ambiguous figure/ground relationships. This project has thought me the importance of positive and negative space and the different aspects they convey. When you have a Stable figure/ground relationship, you are likely trying to draw the audience attention to the figure, with an ambiguous figure/ground relationship, you are making the audience choose there own view on what is the figure, what’s the ground. These are something I will take into account in future projects or art pieces.


Phase 1


Phase 3

Urban Artifacts: Phase 3

 These are the two inked Compositions I created for Phase 3 of the Urban Artifact project. These images were based on the four refined sketches created for the previous phase of this project.  Out of the four refined sketches, I chose the two images above because even though there simple they also strongly represent the difference between a stable figure/ground relationship and an Ambiguous figure/ground relationship. The first image is a Stable figure/ ground relationship because of how the positive space dominates the negative space. The second image is an Ambiguous figure/ground relationship because of how the positive and negative space almost balances out. This part of the project took 2 hours.

Phase 1
