

“to call forth or draw out (something, such as information or a response)” Merriam-Webster dictionary

The sentence this word was encountered was “How better photos can help you document, and shape, your neighborhood” by Patrick Sisson

The sentence this word was used in is “Part of the beauty of this book is that it was written at a time when smartphone photography is getting better and more common and relevant. It really works well with the book’s focus on crowdsourced and elicited photography. ”

The author used this word to talk about how he takes photos or what he looks for in a photo. In the section before he’s describing how he chooses the images he takes and reveals that he normally takes photos from Paris. Because Paris has a lot of history and old buildings and also because it’s popular for one thing one can argue that maybe people don’t notice the changes happening in Paris which then brings photography to reveal things that aren’t normally seen. This can give us information, or a better look at what Paris is like through daily life and neighborhood is like.


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