Final Glossary write-up


Fictitious, Diatribe, encompasses, Carousing, Affluent, Disparate, Inadvertent, Sociology, Omnipotent, Cartographer, Flabbergasted, Juxtaposition, Bind, Prolific, Perennial,

During the whole semester we had a  glossument project in which we had to find or cite approximately one word per week based on class readings or outside sources. So basically the main concept is this Was basically defining these words and define them. We also had to site the sources on where we found the definitions and provide the titles of the readings. Added to that, we had to comprehend these words by exposing what they meant in our own words. That was a pretty good task be cause that gave us a better understanding of the words meaning. In my case, half of My words we’re  found in class reading or in relation to the class. The other half of my words were found on outside sources such as advertisements, subway stations,, sport center reports, YouTube videos, and even my peers from my class and other classes. that I just to happen to have access to on an consistent basis. All in all this project really helped me understand how words can have different meanings and how it can affect our everyday lives. Based on this project I was able to read more articles with a more open-minded understanding. For example, i even started using new words in many of my conversations and text messages with friends and family and in some cases even some of my professors. My personal favorite words includes fictitious, flabbergasted, and affluent. This project for sure has helped improved my vocabulary and it had also helped me articulate my words in a fashion in where i feel as if i can be understood by my peers better.



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