Saturation Studies: Phase 1

My idea to relate my topic with colors is using with something called anime and I want to test something that I can use the available color to describe each character feature and/ or personality. It was very challenging thing because it’s very difficult for me to remember and decide what character I should choose and the only that I watched before so I can’t just choose a random character without knowing who they are . Overall, it came out great and I did quite enjoy thinking back.


1-2 days

Saturation Studies: Phase 1

These are both my color wheels that I finished in class. The one that I created I wasn’t really sure what theme I should go with. Then I realized that all of the things that I chose had to do with nature. It was really easy to do it once I got the hang of it.

Saturation Studies: Phase 1

My Color Wheel StarterColor Wheel

For the first phase of this project, I ended up searching up for different flowers to fit within their respected colors.  At first, I was unsure on what to use to create my color wheel, after a bit of thought though I had decided on flowers do to its relation to my own name.

Worked on for half an hour.


Expenditure (Noun)


  1. the act of expending something, especially funds; disbursement; consumption
  2. something that is expended; expense:

Encountered from Reading Lucy

“But that seemed a strange expenditure of time and energy, given that I was supposed to be researching the Brooklyn Navy Yard”

I understand this word now because the author was too into reading Lucy’s letters that she lost track of time.



Treacherous (Adjective)


  1. characterized by faithlessness or readiness to betray trust; traitorous.
  2.  deceptive, untrustworthy, or unreliable.
  3. unstable or insecure, as footing.

Encountered from Reading Lucy

“It was several minutes before I resumed reading Lucy’s letters, and when I did, it was at a slightly treacherous remove, as if I were withholding information from her-like faking surprise at an outcome you already know”

I understand this word now because the author felt like she betrayed Lucy because she already knew the outcome.


Value-Added Portraits: Phase 1 – Discover

In these 3 photos, the lowkey is the darkest, it has a darker background and mainly focuses on the hand.  It was taken at home with my mouse. The highkey has a lighter background and also focuses on the hand. The broad photo was taken in the class computer desks on a white keyboard as the background. Each of these creates a story of the hand working on a computer.


Value-Added Portraits: Phase 2 – Define


The right photo is the broad, you can see the broad range value because you can see the dark focus point from the white background. The focus point in the broad image is the nose.

The left i tried to make a high key type of photo that shows the dark focus  on the figure which is the entire left side of the photo with a lighter background. But the main focus point is the eyes.



1. out-and-out nonsense; bunkum

Bunkum: foolish talk/nonsense

I found this word in the article The Way We Live Now: 11-11-01 ; Lost and Found, in the sentence “That Canal Street used to be a canal. That Bryant Park used to be a reservoir. It’s all hokum. I’ve been to Canal Street, and the only time I ever saw a river flow through it was during the last water-main explosion.”

In this excerpt the author is trying to say how the “facts” about New York are just non sense or like foolish talk. To somebody that has never seen or experienced this history or facts about New York, basically all they’re listening to is hokum.

Image result for hokum word
