
Computations (n.)

On Merriam Webster, meaning ‘the act or action of computing: calculations’,  I found this word in the passage “the tool, Wind Sand and Stars“, by Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

“All of man’s industrial efforts, all his computations and calculations…”

i Understand this word as computer related, so it would be doing calculations via computer or even using a calculator.

so this sentence becomes “…all his computations (computer calculations) and calculations…”

Sound Visualization: Phase 3


This animation is 10 seconds long and I decided not to have both my audio for staccato and legato overlapping each other. I wanted the two songs to have their own impact and, the drawings I did for each song to move with the audio meant for it. The song for staccato is called Black Sheep by Metric, and the legato song is called when the party is over by Billie Eilish.

Overall Hours: 6 hrs


Bungalow (n.)

On Merriam Webster, meaning “A one-storied house with a low-pitched roof,” i found this word in the passage ‘Here, Poverty and Privilege are Neighbors’,  by, Janny Scottmarch, in the sentence “…modest row houses, apartment buildings, dilapidated bungalows..”

this sentence now becomes “modest row houses, apartment buildings, dilapidated one story homes”, and because of it’s strange sound, i don’t think i’m going to forget it’s meaning.

Field Trip to New Lab

The one new thing I learned from the field trip is the machine they use for prototype and team up with different companies to help them make new technology.  I really the details of the prototype to be exact of what the person wants and also the building itself and its history amaze me and how pretty it looks inside.

Value-Added Portraits: Phase 1


The High Key figure was taken in class by the window while the sun still shined. It’s a mixture between high and low value light because the reflection of the sun, it gives a depth of volume for every little perspective of the hand. For instance, the top left of the hand is partly covered with high value from the reflection of the sun and we see the shadow on the bottom right hand that is covered on low value. With these element combine, it give the portrait a realistic view for every shape and angles.

The Broad figure was as well taken in class by the tables and the lights of the building hit it all to my hand with barely any shadows. Its quite clear that this portrait hand is covered mostly with high light value as well as the background and you see little dark value on the bottom right side of the hand.

In a dark room, it is considered as Low Key for the large amount of dark value on the image. There’s barely any light value reflecting at the hand and the only thing that covers it is the total dark value that creates a depth perspective of the shadow.

Hours: 30-45 minutes



Project#2: Phase 4

This Project was very interesting ,I learned a lot about staccato and legato sounds. Drawing sound was a bit difficult but it was also very fun to do as well. Animating my drawing took a lot of time,there were a lot of issues that I ran into, but I took the time to resolve them. I really enjoy playing around with the animation part of photoshop. It took me 3 days to complete the animation, and after all the hard work I put into, I could say that I’m happy with how it turned out.  Oh and also, after todays critique, I fixed the fading out of my animation so that it begins to fade early than it did before, resulting in a clean fade towards the end, so that’s no longer an issue as well.






Sound Visualization Mashup: Phase 4


I learned how to move images with a timeline. Although similar to video editing I did not know that you could skip frame by frame animation in photoshop. I think I could have done better in the inking, it isn’t as dynamic and interesting as I imagined it would look like. Because I tend to make my images ambiguous and chaotic it is a struggle to simplify it and make it interesting so in my next project, I will do my best to find a balance between the two. Although it is suggested that I should put an abrupt change in the animation, I struggle to find where to insert this advice because the images all match the speed and energy of the music notes. I will keep this in mind to not be constricted to only timing in future projects so that I can easily implement change.

Phase 1: Discover

Phase 2: Define

Phase 3: Develop

Value-Added Portraits: Phase 1

The high-key image sets the mood of morning time. The light is hard against the skin which because it’s by the window one can tell the sun is still out thus, morning time. The highlight of the hand is closer to the glass and the shadow is at the center of the image. It is abrupt even though it has a small gradient from white to gray. This could contribute to a serene mood because the hand is resting in the morning light.

The broad range image sets the mood of curiosity through the hand gesture brushing against the surface for texture. The light here is a gradient with various whites, grays and dark value ranges. The shadow is underneath the fingertips and by the palm while the highlights are on the thumb connecting to the skin. This could contribute to mystery because the shadow and light remind me of night time where hard shadows from the moonlight tend to appear.

The low-key image sets the mood of drama because of its intense shadows and the highlight only on the edge of the hand. It is very abrupt but still offers a gradient from gray to dark. This contributes to drama because the only lit part of the hand is on the side but the room is generally dark which makes you unknown to what the hand may be reaching out to.

Hours: 1 hour 20 minutes