Draft: Bio & Avatar

Brianna M

My name is Brianna Maldonado, currently enrolled in City Tech and majored in the study of Communication Design. I’ve always loved the way things have been designed for the public, like when you see movie posters or advertisements in the subway and I got really into it when I entered high school. Even though it is something I would love to do in my future, my passions and things I enjoy the most are reading, writing, and watching movies. Ever since I was little I would always be reading and once I learned how to write stories or even argumentative essays I would enjoy actually doing it. Watching films has always been something that really made me happy because each one has its own stories and ways of expressing it. I always had this personal philosophy that you should always do what makes you the happiest, even if it’s not something you would want to do as a career, you can have it as a hobby. My hobby of watching films all the time introduced me to looking at advertisements and the movie posters and I was so curious on how they did those to capture the audience’s attention or just random people passing by. That’s also how my personality is too, I like to keep myself open-minded to different interests because I don’t think I can only enjoy doing one thing and sticking to one thing. That’s how my aesthetic is, and always trying to see the brighter side to things, always trying to be optimistic because I don’t wanna waste my time being negative. So, always trying to see the best in a situation and making others laugh or smile because I think you should treat people the way you want to be treated. So even though I might have my rough days because of my load work for school my goals for college is to really push myself to keep my grades up and to not underestimate myself to get a Bachelor’s degree.

My avatar is a cartoon version of myself which is to represent how I look, and also the tiny cartoon version of myself is also a little humorous because people realize how much it does look like me. I didn’t want to put anything specific about my major or my passions represented in my avatar because I don’t think that truly represents me. My personality and aesthetic is something I say truly represents me. I wouldn’t want to change it now that I’ve explained what my passions are and what I enjoy to do. My avatar has orange-reddish hair in a little afro, green glasses, some hoop earrings, and a yellow shirt with some blue little pants. So, basically, this avatar looks exactly like me because I have my hair like that all the time. My glasses are green, and I’m always usually wearing earrings because I love accessories.

Overall my bio and avatar really satisfy me because I think it represents me and what I want to specifically show to my peers.

Avatar, Project 2

In open lab, I’d uploaded one of my favorite sketched anime character as my avatar because I’m proving that I have a lot of passion and potential to draw what I am great with fine details. I’m proving that I want to learn and improve more than I am now and I’m seeking for perfection to make a difference of my drawing. My style of drawing is related to Japanese cartoon art (anime) and for my personal philosophy and aesthetic, I think that my interest of anime is what drove me into their art of style.

Besides my interest in anime, I’m also very interested about the Japanese culture and I would like to travel there one day because I want to experience the reality of Japan, its lifestyle (compare in the anime/ manga) and get to know its people (would be nice to make some friends). Most of all, Japan seem to be very familiar with anime and I think I’ll have the advantage to find more opportunities rather than the United State because there are lots of jobs that require experiences in animation design and other, therefore I believe that my career will be well fitting for these jobs in Japan.

My interest of anime comes along with the major I’m taking as well as my avatar. I want to show and share at the same time of what people might think about me and demonstrate what I am capable of doing to reach to the future. I choose this picture of a anime female figure holding some type of food because I want to compare and see what makes me different compare to the other avatar from other classmates in my perspective and maybe if someone have that same interest as mine, he/she can reach up to me and we can share our comparisons and differences between each other. You’ll never know what other people may have that same interest and I can possibly meet many people and this can help me move on during my college year. Sharing our interest is great feedback to learn from it and make differences than what we were before.

As you can see this avatar has a surprise expression (telling from the stars shining through her eyes) and a combination of curiosity. It’s very fitting for me  to use this character because curiosity is also part of my personality and I like to experience something new and never done or seen before. For instance, I like experimenting with music on my piano and I though of play a different instrument that I never get to play and I had my thoughts of playing a guitar so  I decided to get myself a electric guitar and test it out. Before I got the guitar, I had this app on my phone that can play many different instrument (Garage Band) and it had a guitar solo play and bass guitar. I didn’t know a lot about the mechanism or how does it work or play it, so I decided to try it on my phone with the app and try to compare it with the piano. Musicians says that mastering the piano can give up the advantage of playing others. instruments and I absolutely agree on that. As soon, as I got my guitar, little by little I started to learn and understand the mechanism of the guitar and with  practice I finally had the hang of it, I’m still currently learning and I manage to play some parts of a song that I listen and play on piano. My curiosity is what describes me most ( depending of my personality) and I think is very fitting to put an anime character with a curious expression as my avatar.

Avatar and bio draft

For my avatar i chose a character form an anime known as naruto.  So basically the character that i picked goes by the name of shikamaru. So in this anime, Shikamaru is this really intelligent guy that seems to think differently in an out of the box way from everybody else. Although very comprehensive and intelligent, He lacks work ethic and tends to find easy ways or does a lazy version of works given to him or works that are mandatory. In this particular anime, characters have great power abilities and and fighting arts. In shikamaru’s case, his powers are powerful but not as powerful as his peers but what really sets him apart and makes him superior to his peers is his ability to outsmart and make his opponents/does look silly.

I chose shikamaru because i felt as if me and him have great relation in terms of mindset and habits. I wouldn’t really consider myself to be a lazy guy but, i try to put myself in situations that have an rewarding outcome but that also requires less effort than most things to achieve the goals i have. When it comes to mindset, i consider myself to be more creative with a hint of intelligence. The thing that me and my avatar have alike is that we both think things through before making a decision and we also don’t act on impulse most of the time. To be honest i have no type of idea what i’m passionate about but, then again it is what it is.

Avatar and Bio

  I’m Sam, and all i pretty much do is draw. As of late I’ve mostly been doing Fine arts, and some creative work on the side. My passions is art, whether it be 2-d work, sculptural or film, it’s all i want to do, and i can’t think of doing anything else. Recently my inspiration has shifted form people and anatomy to nature and texture. My main goal is to build up a better portfolio so that i can apply to art school, either LCAD or RISD. Further than that , my absolute dream would be to work for an animation company (Laika) and help create stop-motion films.

The avatar i chose is of yellow-ish gaunt doll, vaguely alien looking, with short red hair, straight bangs, dark sunken in blue eyes and wears a purple shirt, with a tiny smile, out-turned ears and is facing something unseen off to the upper right of the image. The doll is seated in a black bean-bag chair with a tye-dye blue pillow to their right. The image itself is low in saturation making the colors look muddy and gray-ish.  I had chosen this image because of a joke i made with a friend, saying that i look a little like a puppet if i made certain face. I saw this image and it immediately  reminded me of myself, not because i look sickly, but by the vibe it gave off, the doll looked like it was relaxing and that’s always what i’m trying, and failing, to do.

This image can definitely be misleading, seeing it with out knowing me at all, could give someone the impression that i’m a horror fan, and while that’s a little true, it doesn’t guide my aesthetic that much. I even heard one of my classmates ask if its Chucky, it’s not Chucky, but i have no idea where this image originates from. It could also be interpreted as someone who likes to scare people, some could think i set my icon up as something  “weird” to weird others out, when in actuality i don’t find this icon weird, or creepy or anything else, at all. I think it looks a little bit like me and that’s it, i even have two other puppet related images saved that also share a small resemblance to me. I want this image representing me because while i do connect with it, it also represents my aesthetic, and the type of art and feeling within my art that i try to create. But to add on to something i mentioned earlier, yes i’m trying to relax, i may not look like i am, or sometimes i struggle and maybe it’s obvious, but deep down, i’m okay, i’m an optimist.

My bio, or profile, i feel could be used to connect me with others who also share similar interests with me. I know what it’s suppose to be used for, but in reality i doubt it’ll work like that. And knowing how i’m like, i don’t think many people will take their time to read something that’s 4 paragraphs long. I think that an outsider reading my bio might consider me to be and artist, maybe even a dedicated one.  I’ve established my style, aesthetic, and i’m studying fine arts, i think with this profile i’d like to meet someone who also plans on applying to some of the same colleges i do, because all i do now is think about applying.

Cooper Hewitt Design

Ultrahaptics was the most compelling to me out of all the exhibits at the museum. I found the Ultrahaptics interesting because it caught my eye with it’s monitor and how it showed bubbles and then the ultrasonic audio waves where you can feel what is showing on the monitor.
[ https://goo.gl/images/hQ3YDJ ]
[ https://goo.gl/images/AYnARP ]

Ultrahaptics ( Bristol, UK, founded 2013 )

The materials used to create the work is Ultrahaptic transducer array, motion sensor, monitor, electronics.