Urban Artifacts: Phase 2


These are the sketches that I had for my final two photographs that I wanted to use for the compositions. I had trouble finding out what were the ambiguous and stable figure/ground compositions. I spent about an hour on these sketches.


Word: Diatribe (noun)

Definition: A bitter and abusive speech or piece of writing

Source: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/diatribe

Encounter: “A literary visitor strolls in from the Airport” (1st Paragraph). “is about a London cabdriver who inadvertently founds a religion when a ranting diatribe he buries in the garden of his ex wife is dug up five centuries later”

Comprehension: I now understand because in the reading the word diatribe discusses the abusive speech within the writting while also an extra character is mentioned.


Nematode(noun) –  any of a phylum (Nematoda or Nemata) of elongated cylindrical worms parasitic in animals or plants or free-living in soil or water

— called also roundworm

This was word was encountered in  “A Literary Visitor Strolls in From the Airport” by Charles McGrath

The sentence in which this word was used says ” Actually, instead of looking at individual buildings, it makes more metaphorical sense to think of New York as one enormous chunk of masonry that has been cut up and carved away. It says , This is the ultimate polis, through which humans move like nematodes.”

The author uses a metaphor describing how humans move like nematodes. When a Nematode moves, it looks as though it’s body is rapidly squirming around or as though it’s whipping its body side to side to move. I think that the author is trying to describe the movement of  commuting  New Yorkers.






“the marking of the limits or boundaries of something the act, process, or result of demarcating something” – Merriam-Webster dictionary

The word was encountered through the article”Here, Poverty And Privilege Are Neighbors; Income Gaps Are a Source Of Resentment and Guilt” by  

The sentence it was used in is”They range from Ms. Davis’s neighborhood, where two public housing projects bookend a gentrifying corridor of brownstones and row houses, to an area along the beach in Brooklyn where West End Avenue appears to be a stark line of demarcation between the serene old-immigrant opulence (great wealth or luxuriousness) of Manhattan Beach and the teeming new-immigrant enclave ( social unit enclosed within or as if within foreign territory) of Brighton Beach.”

The author in the article mostly talks about how there’s a always a borderline in New York even though there is diversities. This quote ”Even as a young child, there’s a sense that you sort of stay with the people that you’re most comfortable with — people in the same income bracket or gender or ethnicity or class.” Demarcation is utilized to say New York has always been divided. There’s aways a borderline between rich/poor neighborhoods or maybe a split between two ethnicities.




a distinct territorial, cultural, or social unit enclosed within or as if within foreign territory” Merriam-Webster dictionary

The word was encountered through the article”Here, Poverty And Privilege Are Neighbors; Income Gaps Are a Source Of Resentment and Guilt” by  

The sentence it was used in is”They range from Ms. Davis’s neighborhood, where two public housing projects bookend a gentrifying corridor of brownstones and row houses, to an area along the beach in Brooklyn where West End Avenue appears to be a stark line of demarcation (the marking of the limits) between the serene old-immigrant opulence (great wealth or luxuriousness) of Manhattan Beach and the teeming new-immigrant enclave of Brighton Beach.”

The author utilizes this word to describe Brighton Beach as a neighborhood or area that’s separated because of its differences with Manhattan Beach. The sentence talks about how the buildings are different neighborhood to neighborhood but where the borderline is in New York is between old buildings and the newer ones that look newer and more expensive. The word enclave is utilized to say that Brighton Beach has a old, more worn down building side that is in their own “distinct territory” compared to the rich looking side Manhattan Beach possibly with newer buildings.




“a divine imparting of knowledge or power INSPIRATION” – Merriam-Webster dictionary

The word was encountered in “A Literary Visitor Strolls in From the Airport” by Charles Mcgrath

The sentence it was used was “There!” he said. “There’s the interface!” A little later, after pausing briefly near the Utica Avenue intersection to inspect, in vain, a curbside book table for Will Self titles, he caught a whiff of subway. “Ah,” he said. “The afflatus of the city’s bowels — now we’re getting into the real body of the city.”

The author utilizes this word to try to say that where they were trying to say where they were wasn’t what New York is known for. But since now they smell the subways and are going near a big avenue filled with people they are going to the body of the body which bowels is defined as “the parts deep inside something large.” Afflatus is the word used to say that they now know that they are in the city’s “core” and that they are in the “body of the city” which means what New York really is known for.


Project#3: Juxtaposition


I chose this image of a building for my juxtaposition project. To get to this building, If  standing  right outside the main doors of the Namm hall building, you must turn  right and  walk straight ahead across the street. After walking across the street you begin to see the building about halfway across the block.

I chose this image of this particular building because it stood out more. The architectural design is different from the rest of the buildings around it. The buildings around it has your usually rectangular shape, but this building has more interesting shapes such as the the triangular pyramid roof, and the cylinder pillars,and little cone like shapes on some parts of the building.

Project 2 phase 1

This music has a lot of background noise, you can hear cars, people, animal. Sometimes it goes really slow, sometimes it goes hard. The music use the piano rhythm the whole music

I used more round shape because there is emotion in her voice.

Sound Visualization Mashup: Phase 1

The songs I was listening to for staccato was very up beat, pounding, and that had a constant rhythm. Meanwhile for legato, I was looking for more slow, melody, soft, and somewhat jazzy if I found one. So while listening to these music, at first it was hard to find the right set of music, but then when I did I was hearing and visualizing these jagged lines, irregular shapes, sharp edges, nut some were natural than geometric shapes. While for legato, everything seems more calmer, no geometric, and a nice swift of movement of the shapes. Some patterns did repeat because the beat remain the same in most of the song while it did have some slight new beats.  For this project it took me about a hour and a half or two hours max because I really try to visualize it.

Joji- Slow dancing in the dark