The group topic was “The risk of Periodontitis on Alzheimer’s Disease”.

Below,  you will be able to see the brochure that we distributed to the audience after the class presentation.

The nature of the research project was the studies:

  • The potential link between P.gingivalis ( the bacterial associated with periodontal disease) and Alzheimer’s.
  • Presents of P.gingivalis can travel from mouth to the brain and that the related gingipains can destroy brain neurons.
  • P.gingivalis secret a toxic enzyme Gingipainds that destroy nerve cells, which in turn lead to memory loss and eventually Alzheimer’s
  • Presents of P.gingivalis increase the production of amyloid plaques whose accumulation contributes to Alzheimer’s.
  •  Researchers analyzed brain tissue, spinal fluid, and saliva from Alzheimer’s patients found evidence of P.gingivalis.

The connection between periodontitis and Alzheimer enhanced my clinical understanding of the following :

  • Be able to explain to the patient  the importance of good oral hygiene and how it is linked to Alzheimer’s disease
  • Explain how good oral hygiene can decrease the symptoms of possible memory loss since memory loss in the first symptom before Alzheimer’s.