Author Archives: solarrs

Discussion About Adding New Feature – 3M Screen Protector

Today, Professor discussed about 3M screen protector.  It refers that we can use the screen protector to illustrate that there are some certain degrees we can look at, not the whole 360 degree.  Also, there are some changes on our project.

– Mechanical Engineering

– Manufacturing

– Design

– CAD – computer application

       – Simulation

       – Analysis ( CFI, Pro F.E. )

 Steps have changed

1. Semi-prototyping – ( progress on trying to assemble prototype )

2. Rapid prototyping  (3D printer) – Room 508

3. Make a physical model ( real prototype model )

4.  Since the 55″ monitor is too big and concerned about weight issue, we have decided that we need to do some experiments first. Then, we can determine later.

Here is the picture on what we discussed today.

Discussion about Parameter – Image on Board

Meeting on June 9, 2012

1. How to conduct a research

2. CITI RCR training needs to finish.

3.  Continual brainstorming.
