Domino Park reflection by Patricia Vermudez

The class went on a field trip on June 12.  Often times, I just go straight to school ones I get out of the subway station. After my classes, I head straight home. I noticed that the Brooklyn Bridge park was near the area where the location of the school because I could see the view of the Brooklyn Bridge outside the school, but I did not that it’s just a walking distance.  I realized while the class was walking to the Brooklyn Bridge Park, that there were so many things to do in the area.  On our way, we get to see old buildings that still existed today.  Usually, I just past by these kinds of buildings, not realizing that they are historical ones and has been built many decades ago.  It is very smart that these historical buildings have a summary of their history placed on their walls so that people will be more aware of their histories.

Eagle Warehouse


It was only my second time going riding the ferry.  The fee for the ferry is also reasonable because it only cost $2.75 each ride. Once I got inside the ferry, I went straight upstairs so that I can get a better view of the surrounding.  I think that transforming the waterfront into a park is a good idea.

Domino Sugar Factory Building, 325 Kent

Walking from the Williamsburg ferry station to the Domino park, we get to see some street murals/graffiti.  We even get to witness someone painting the walls.

Street Mural


The first thing that I noticed in the park is the color turquoise, which gives a refreshing, calming vibe.  It is so nice how some things in the past, such as the cranes, tanks, screw conveyors, still remains in this park.  There are a lot of outdoor activities that people can do in this park.  There is an area where people can play beach volleyball without having to go to an actual beach. There are playgrounds for kids to have fun with.  There are also people sitting on the grass or the benches reading books, eating, relaxing, or chatting.  I agree that they should provide more signage or labels that gives people information about the history of the place.

It is a clever idea to include a fast food restaurant, which is the Tacocina, in the middle of the park because food is significant thing for people.  I am little disappointed about Tacocina though.  We waited in line for so long.

Overall, I enjoyed the field trip to the Domino Park.  I hope that more people will get to know the history of this place.



Domino Sugar Factory Building

325 Kent Signage

Domino Park



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