Super movie poster!

If you don’t know what this movie is about, find out more HERE now…

in terms of graphic design, the use of type, the use of scale, the use of color, I was really attracted to this movie poster.

I want you to notice the limited color palette, the graphic bold look, and for this class especially, the big difference in the size and weight of the type at the top of the page?

What do you see first? the title – there is no doubt – you cannot look away

What do you think of this poster? What does this have in common with the “how to get away with murder” poster?  hmmmmm……….


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One Response to Super movie poster!

  1. Chase says:

    I think this poster is simple and straight to the point. When i look at this poster I see the title, The Wolf pack, and as a fan of wolves and their natural habitat I can see that these group of gentlemen are own pack in the city. Pack life isn’t always pretty but they mostly stick together through thick and thin.
    Comparing it to How to get away with Murder, its has the black, white and red colors going which we all know murder or evil doing is at play, but only this shows a city in the background. I can tell that this movie might be intresting a group of guys in the city how much trouble can they cause?

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