Hi all,

I’ve had the pleasure of reading all of your papers. Today will be a work day and I will conference with people individually.

2 – 4 PM you will write your final drafts

Midterm: Create an outline and create different sections of your research. A first draft will be due next week.

Data Brokers: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Big Tech and the Crisis of Surveillance Capitalism | Cory Doctorow – Medium in Conversation

1,809 views Mar 9, 2021 Cory Doctorow (craphound.com) is a science fiction author, activist, and journalist. His latest book is Attack Surface, a standalone adult sequel to Little Brother. He is also the author How to Destroy Surveillance Capitalism, a nonfiction book from Medium about conspiracies and monopolies. He works for the Electronic Frontier Foundation, is a MIT Media Lab Research Affiliate, is a Visiting Professor of Computer Science at Open University, a Visiting Professor of Practice at the University of North Carolina’s School of Library and Information Science, and co-founded the UK Open Rights Group.

3:30 – 23:00

How to Destroy Surveillance Capitalism

Pluralistic: 28 Sep 2022 Maintaining monopolies with the cloud

Continue researching your midterm projects.

Organize your thoughts and write a draft in which you compile the sections of your research. This will end up being the content for your media presentations.

Discuss proposals: Topic and Media module

Digital Labor: Mechanical Turks and the culmination of human machine collaborations.

Amazon’s Mechanical Turk

Meta’s Sama – Inside Africa’s Sweatshop

The Gig Economy


Moving on:

Propaganda, Fake news – Misinformation and Disinformation

Mind Over Media by Rennee Hobbs
Propaganda is responsive to changes in culture, technology, and society ch1

Group work:

Using some of the formula discussed in Hobbs create a propaganda campaign to present to the class. Make a poster using Stable Diffusion.

I will give each group a theme to consider.

Disinfo Discussions: The Fundamentals with danah boyd


Midterm Project

Loosely based on Kate Crawford’s Anatomy of an AI System , your midterm is a research project in which you create a multi-modular project such as a web site, video essay or podcast that provides a “map of a technological object” of your choice. Trace its production and development as you consider its environmental sustainability, the physical labor and digital labor practices involved in its development, and its ethical relationship to the end user and society at large.

Deliverables include: the media project and a written component 


Research your object using the following as a guide line. Collect links, take notes, etc

Remember everyone’s object is different therefore some things will make more sense than others.

  • Production/materials/labor/
  • User experience/governance/ethical relationship to user and society/digital rights/historical roots/evolution of object/etc.
  • Sustainability/recycling/right to repair/