Metaverse, Pluriverse, Web 3 and the hyperstructure and stories!

We’re moving on to Web 3, Block chain, crypto currencies, Ethereum, DOAs and Storytelling. What does all this mean and how does it work? How is it being developed and if we want a just society what should watch out for? Ok – let’s go …

Here is the original proof of concept Bitcoin white paper by Satoshi Nakamoto: Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System

Let’s back up what is block chain anyway? What is Blockchain Technology?

Edward Snowden’s keynote talk at Bitcoin Amsterdam 2023

Hyperstructures By jacob.eth Published January 16, 2022

A conceptual leap : What is Crypto media – Jacob Horne (Crypto Media is essentially a NFT)

Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO)
Blockchain A DAO is a blockchain-based system that enables people to coordinate and govern themselves mediated by a set of self-executing rules deployed on a public blockchain, and whose governance is decentralised (i.e., independent from central control).

The world of DAO’s – Decentralized Autonomous Organizations – towards building the base Tokenized Communities

Where are we today?

The Collapse of FTX: What Went Wrong with the Crypto Exchange?

Acquittal in Sam Bankman-Fried’s Trial Is ‘Certainly a Possibility,’ Law Professor Says

Taproot Assets

Alternate visions: A Declaration of theInterdependence of Cyberspac

Before Everyone Was Talking About Decentralization, Decentralization Was Talking to Everyone by Amelia Winger Bearskin

Inside World – Jennifer and Kevin Mccoy at Sundance