Technology as a lived Experience:  

How has networked technology changed how we experience and understand an aspect of our humanity in the world? Using your thesis sentence as the core theme, write a personal essay (1200 words) in which you take a position and discuss an aspect of technology in relation to human values/experiences/social justice.

You may pull from your field notes (week’s 1 homework), lived experiences you have had, lived experiences someone in your life has had, any of the essays/articles we have read, anything you have read that is related, your own research, and ChatGPT.

You don’t have to footnote but make sure to incorporate your sources in the body of the essay.

Writing Rubric:

  • Thesis Statement, Introduction, Conclusion
  • Examples, Evidence and Content 
  • Organization and Structure
  • Writing Mechanics and Style

PostHuman: An Introduction to Transhumanism 

Jason Silva on Transhumanism: Are We Decommissioning Evolution? | Big Think

Why ‘upgrading’ humanity is a transhumanist myth | Douglas Rushkoff | Big Think

vs. post-humanism

How to Become Posthuman – Dr. Ferrando lectures at Princeton University, US

Introduction to Generative AI Learning Path

Google Video

Time Magazine: The Case Against AI Everything, Everywhere, All at Once

Judy Estrin is CEO of JLabs, LLC. The author of Closing the Innovation Gap, she is a network technology pioneer, entrepreneur, and business executive.

Rolling Stone: These Women Tried to Warn Us About AI

Today the risks of artificial intelligence are clear — but the warning signs have been there all along BY LORENA O’NEIL


Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other by Sherry Turkle


Finish your first draft of the essay: Technology as a lived Experience