I can’t believe the end of the semester is approaching quickly! Today is going to be all about Fungi.

Viewing: Fantastic Fungi – features Paul Stamet and beyond …

Current State and Future Prospects of Pure Mycelium Materials
by Simon Vandelook1, Elise Elsacker1,2,3, Aurélie Van Wylick1,2, Lars De Laet2 and Eveline Peeters1*

One more video on using mycelium in product development


Write down ideas (an informal proposal) for your final paper which we will discuss in class.

Please read and write a reading response to :

Atoms are local: Industrialization of biotech vs. the biologization of industry

Final Paper Guidelines: 

The defining issue of our time is the environment – and we will need new ideas, and frameworks to get us through.

Your Final Assignment is to write a 1250 – 1500 word, technical paper. You may write about a technological idea or invention, an artistic experience that encompasses cutting edge technology and gets us to think, a product (hardware) or a program (software), a game, etc. The posited ideas/arguments should be original and get us to think about a problem we are facing today – differently! (Although clearly a big theme, the paper topics are not limited to environmental issues . If you have culmination coming up you may consider using this paper to explore your ideas more thoroughly)

Final Paper Guidelines: 

Proposals are due next week. To be discussed and approved in class
The final paper is due on _____.

The Idea:

Why do I care?

The idea development is critical. It may be something that you would actually like to create or it could be a bit more hypothetical but you must think it through thoroughly. Remember that science fiction is most interesting when it is based on fact.

You must research your idea and discuss in your paper any research or products that exist and are related and then discuss how your idea builds on it and how it is different.

You must define all key terminology and how you are using it in your introduction.

I am posting some guidelines from Stanford and Columbia to follow below but generally speaking your papers need to include:

Abstract: This is a paragraph that outlines all the major points of your paper. Generally speaking, this is used by other researchers to quickly see if it pertains to their research. I recommend you write after you have completed your paper.

Keywords: 5-8 words that pertain to your paper. If someone were to do a search in a database they might be able to find your paper with these keywords)


This should include related projects or products. What your idea is built on – why it is important and what problem you are solving?

Subject review:

Please include a section in which you discuss other products, games, experiences that you have researched and how your concept differs and builds on these prior projects.


  • problem
  • approach

Technology Design

  • results

Future Work:


Please note that these links often assume experiments and equations. Do not invent fake data but rather describe your process. For game design refer to MDA for product design break your the body of paper up using mechanics, dynamics and aesthetics as categories.  Consider your audience, the development process, and the solution.



. You should include diagrams or images but they do not replace the word count.