Hi All,
Please Don’t Forget that we have class on Wednesday.
We’ll start class by discussing your final projects …
(First 30 min)
In class:
1. As a group brainstorm problems we are facing as a society either now or in the near future. We’ll be using Miro. Please copy invite below into your browser.
2. Choose a problem
- develop an original idea to address the problem
- Research and evaluate solutions to address the problem
3. Write a brief proposal
- What problem are you trying to solve?
- What is a possible approach/solution towards solving the problem?
4. Discuss in class and get the idea approved
Final Research Paper Road Map:
Nov. 27 – The Idea/Concept/Project: What problem are you addressing? We will discuss. For next Friday please complete the research for the related work section.
Subject review: You must research all related work this is called a subject review. Who else has done similar research? What research/project are you building on? How is your project similar? How is it different? Please gather your references now. You will need them for your bibliography.
December 6– Research is due. If your project/game/experience needs to be tested, prototyped please complete by next week. Don’t forget to document the process.
December 13th – First Draft is due (in class peer review)
December 20th– Final paper due and presentations – power point/wireframes/site maps/diagrams/tech specs/models/images/video demo etc. IN PERSON!
One of the largest problems facing the planet is climate change. What is synthetic engineering?
Synthetic biology -What it is and Why it Matters by Alistair Elfick and Drew Endy (read 1-5)
Can synthetic biology save the planet?
Class Challenge:
- In small groups using Image Creator from Microsoft Designer and the prompt “Synthetic Biology” continue to adapt and tweek your prompt until you get a series of three images that you can discuss with class.
- Class Feedback: what did you learn from the process?
On engineering crops … Holding multiple truths simultaneously.
Vandana Shiva: How to decolonize the global economy
Can we engineer crops to withstand climate change?
Nature X Oxman Deezen article
A little bit on sameness …
Kirby Ferguson in the NYT: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/11/26/opinion/social-media-algorithm-creativity.html
And The age of average by Alex Murrell
Topic Selection: (please see details in menu tab: Tech Paper. Be prepared to discuss and ASK QUESTIONS in class.
- What problem are you trying to solve?
- What is a possible approach/solution towards solving the problem?
Subject review: research your project and compile the research that you will be building your research on.
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