Essay prompt: Technology as a lived Experience 

How has networked technology changed how we experience and understand the world?

  • Word count:1000-1500
  • Font:Times Roman
  • double spaced

Use your notes from the 5 hour “untethered to networked technology experience” as your main resource. Although this is about your lived experiences you should, relate it to external texts, media or ideas that enrich your concept.

We will discuss your thesis sentences. After creating a brief outline of the main ideas you wish to cover, we’ll have a some time to work. A good place to begin might be to describe the experience of being untethered.

First draft is due on September 20th

Final draft is due on September 27

You may embed your citations in the body of the text and use endnotes to further expound on a concept or idea.

Writing Rubric:

  • Thesis Statement, Introduction, Conclusion
  • Examples, Evidence and Content 
  • Organization and Structure
  • Writing Mechanics and Style

What is the difference between lived experience and researched knowledge?

Common Cyborg by Jillian Weise

‘I’m nervous at night when I take off my leg. I wait until the last moment before sleep to un-tech because I am a woman who lives alone’

Cyborg Manifesto – Donna Haraway

Posthumanism vs. Transhumanism

PostHuman: An Introduction to Transhumanism

Jason Silva on Transhumanism: Are We Decommissioning Evolution? | Big Think

Dr. Ferrando’s lecture “How to Become Posthuman”, Princeton University, US 2019.


Finish your first draft of the essay: Technology as a lived Experience and be prepared to do a peer reviews next week. 

The article below is NOT part of your homework but feel free to read it if you’re curious:

What is AI? Everyone thinks they know but no one can agree. And that’s a problem.

By Will Douglas Heavenarchive page