Trying Something New: Brooklyn Escape Room

One day as I was walking home from school, I found myself on Pacific Street and a building caught my eye. The bright LED lights that were coming from the scaffold in front of the building were bold and brazing. This tiny building completely enraptured my mind to the point that I made a complete stop to glance inside. When I peered inside I noticed that there was a young lady sitting at a table, concentrating intensely on the work in front of her. I also noticed that the décor within this tiny building was simple yet sophisticated. I said to myself I must research this establishment, and find out what occurs in this building. That same night I looked up The Brooklyn Escape Room on google and to my surprise, I found out that this tiny building actually held an escape the room adventure! I decided that night that I would return, and take a chance at seeing how great my analytical skills, actually were. A few months ago I decided to take that chance and see how fast I could escape the room.

My cousin and I caught the train to Atlantic Avenue and walked two or three blocks to Pacific Street between 4th and 5th avenue. Although it was sweltering hot outside, the walk was short because I was so excited about this new life changing experience! As we entered the establishment we were greeted warmly by our host Samuel Walker, and after paying, we signed waivers for our own protection. After everything was squared away, we were led down a corridor with lockers. We were told to put all of our belongings into the locker, including our cellphones!! After we locked up our stuff, we were briefed on all the rules of the game. We were then blindfolded, separated and led into a dark room. Then, we were locked in separate cells, and our host left the room. I was so uneasy, and uncomfortable that I was locked up, that I began to panic a bit. Eventually after talking to my cousin through the cell, I calmed down and we began to work together to escape the room. We were given exactly an hour to find all the necessary clues to escape each room. Did I mention that we had to escape several rooms??!!

After we escaped our cells, we entered another room that was intricately designed. The décor was thoroughly thought out to the point that I felt like I was really in a dungeon. There were torture devices, wooden floors that squeaked, candle lit walls, knives, gates that were dripping blood and various trap doors, which will keep you on your toes. We were allowed a limited amount of clues.They were cryptic, yet extremely helpful. Each room that we entered tested us physically, as well as mentally. There were also hidden surprises at every turn that made us pay attention to every single detail. Each room had hidden clues, and each room was connected which made escaping the room difficult.
The most difficult room that we encountered was at the end of a dimly lit corridor. There was a contraption made of levers that required a specific sequence of numbers, in order to open the door into the final room. It took my cousin and I, at least 20 minutes just to get through this one specific door. With help from our host we were able to get through this door, and enter into the final room. Our host told us that we had six minutes on the clock, and we went into commando mode. We started running around the room trying to find the hidden clues to open the final door. When we finally found the key, the treasure we found inside left us puzzled. What were we supposed to do with the map that was provided to us ? We eventually figured out how to make the best of what we were given. There were clues in the room that led us to a trap door. After completing the task within the trap door, a key fell to the floor, as our host yelled out we had one minute remaining. I grabbed the key, tossed it to my cousin and he raced to the door. After pushing the key into the keyhole, MY COUSIN OPENED THE DOOR AND WE ESCAPED THE ROOM!!!!! We were so excited to finally have escaped the room, that we greeted our host with open arms.

I must say that this was an amazing experience, and I am so glad that I took the chance to try out something new. This escape the room was so trivial, yet so fun that I found myself wishing that I could do it again. In the beginning I was so scared, that I let my fear hinder me from figuring out the puzzle as soon as the clock started. The dark hallways, scary sounds, and difficult puzzles gave me a real run for my money. However, when we finally escaped the room, I felt accomplished, as well as ecstatic. The Brooklyn Escape Room is definitely more than it appears to be on the outside looking in. I would recommend this escape the room to anyone who is looking to have a fun time, while working all parts of their brain. I give this escape the room 5 out of 5 stars. The experience was amazing, and so was the service we received from our host. I would definitely return to this escape the room again!! Have you ever been? What did you enjoy about it?

2 thoughts on “Trying Something New: Brooklyn Escape Room

  1. Cool experience thanks for sharing. I will give this company a try, sounds fun. The company I’ve used that you might want to try is Komnata Quest, it’s in Green Point Brooklyn – I think you’d love it.

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