New York weather is strange, isn’t it? Well, for me I find it strange, but interesting at the same time because of its inconsistency. For example, in a span of one to three weeks, the weather can change so drastically that sometimes it even seems as if all four seasons are manifested into two or three weeks.
If you think I might be over exaggerating a little, then you can analyze what happened over the last three weeks and see for yourself that I do have a point. Thus now let’s get into what actually happened over that specific period of time. Three weeks ago it rained, resembling that we were in the fall, and the week after that you could have thought that it was already summer time because the temperature went all the way up to the 70’s. This week temperatures dropped, it became cold, and as if things were not crazy enough, it snowed yesterday on the first day of Spring.Thus, this is how crazy and inconsistent New York’s weather has been over the course of just three weeks and thus this phenomena does really seem like four seasons in a month.
Photo taken in Manhattan
Photo taken in Manhattan
Photo taken in Manhattan
Photo taken in Manhattan
Photo taken in Manhattan