- Exam 3 is on Thursday, December 8 during class.
- You can find the review sheet here.
- As an extra credit assignment, complete the review sheet in full and upload it to Dropbox by Wednesday, 12/7, 11:59pm!
- The review sheet can be completed however works best for you. This includes with a classmate, tutor, friend, family member, etc.
- Name the uploaded pdf file as lastname firstinitial date exam3review.pdf
- Please make sure you are uploading one file only. Multiple pages can be combined into one pdf file.
- Good luck studying!
Category: Assignment Instructions (Page 1 of 2)
Answer these questions honestly and in detail. I am reading them, but the questions and answers are as much for you as they are for me. This assignment must be completed in order to receive a corrected exam score for Exam #2.
1) Are you satisfied with your performance on Exam #2? Explain why or why not.
2) What did you do to prepare for the second exam. Do you think it was effective? Did you do anything different between studying for the first and second exam?
3) What do you think you can do to improve?
4) On a scale of 1-10, how serious are you about taking the necessary steps to graduate from college with a degree? Do you think your actions over the past month accurately reflect this number? Has your desire to graduate from college with a degree changed since the first exam?
5) Did you take advantage of the test corrections on the first exam? If not, why?
6) What else can Professor Kan do to improve instruction?
Upload your answers to these questions and name the file as:
lastname firstinitial date assignment03
You can upload this in any format you like. Microsoft Word or pdf file is preferred.
On WeBWorK: FactoringExtraCredit
In order to do well in many topics of MAT1275, knowing how to factor is key. For those of you that need a refresher, please watch and do these two lessons on the OpenLab MAT1275 Course Hub:
AC Method and Difference of Perfect Squares
After that, I have set up a new WeBWorK assignment to do for extra credit. This extra credit assignment closes on Friday, September 9, at 11:59pm. Please take advantage of this and do it soon!
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