In order to get a higher score on the first exam, please follow these rules.
- The first step to getting a high exam score is to complete OpenLab Assignment #2. Exam corrections submitted without Assignment #2 completed will receive no extra credit.
- Redo the incorrect problems in full. This means anything you got points off for, even a problem that has the right answer.
- Problems must be done correctly. You will receive half the points (rounded up) for a problem that is redone.
- You do not need to redo a problem that was marked correct. Any problem that has deductions is a problem that is marked incorrect.
- If you got points off because your work was massively different from what we do in class, your test corrections must reflect the method used in class.
- Redone problems must be done on a separate sheet of paper, numbered, and uploaded as a separate file. Standard Dropbox rules apply.
- Name the file with lastnamefirstinitialdateexam1correction.pdf
- Example: kanb1025exam1correction.pdf
- The problems must be done with a City Tech tutor, ASAP tutor, or SEEK tutor.
- Look on the OpenLab website for the schedule of tutors. Go to “Help & Resources” and “Tutoring” to find it. You can use tutors from the Atrium Learning Center, Perkins Tutoring (Math department), SEEK (if you are a part of the program), or ASAP (if you are a part of the program).
- Have the tutor email me at confirming you attended tutoring for the test correction.
- Exam 1 corrections are due October 27.
- Email me with any questions.
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