In order to get a higher score on the second exam, please follow these rules.

  • The first step to getting a high exam score is to complete OpenLab Assignment #3. Exam corrections submitted without Assignment #3 completed will receive no extra credit.
  • Redo the incorrect problems in full. This means anything you got points off for, even a problem that has the right answer.
  • Problems must be done correctly. You will receive half the points (rounded up) for a problem that is redone.
  • You do not need to redo a problem that was marked correct. Any problem that has deductions is a problem that is marked incorrect.
  • If you got points off because your work was massively different from what we do in class, your test corrections must reflect the method used in class.
  • Redone problems must be done on a separate sheet of paper, numbered, and uploaded as a separate file. Standard Dropbox rules apply.
  • Follow the rules for uploading. jpeg files will not be accepted.
  • Name the file with lastnamefirstinitialdateexam1correction.pdf
  • Example: kanb1201exam2correction.pdf
  • The problems must be done with a City Tech tutor, ASAP tutor, or SEEK tutor.
  • Look on the OpenLab website for the schedule of tutors. Go to “Help & Resources” and “Tutoring” to find it. You can use tutors from the Atrium Learning Center, Perkins Tutoring (Math department), SEEK (if you are a part of the program), or ASAP (if you are a part of the program).
  • If you are doing the exam corrections in person, the tutor should give you an attendance verification slip. Include that in your upload as an extra page. If you do the exam corrections online, have the tutor email me at confirming you attended tutoring for the test correction.
  • Exam 1 corrections are due December 1.
  • Email me with any questions.