This is the course site for MAT1275, section D004. This is an algebra and trigonometry course.
Professor Bruce Kan
email: bkan@citytech.cuny.edu
Office Hours
Monday & Wednesday, 11:30am – 12:00pm
In person, room N726
Student Email
Class Meetings
Class meetings will occur Tuesday and Thursday every week, except holidays and special days. Click here for a calendar of meeting days. Class will begin at 8:00am and run until 9:40am. In order to get the most out of class, please show up on time.
Our classroom is N720, in the Namm building. Located at
300 Jay Street Brooklyn NY 11201
This class uses WeBWorK, an online homework system, which can be found here. Your username and password have been emailed to you. If you do not have it, make sure you are checking the email address that is listed on your CUNYFirst file. Email me if you have problems.
A Dropbox folder has been shared with you using the email address that is on your CUNYFirst file. Please make sure you can access it. Dropbox is going to be a key component this semester. It is how you are going to be turning in your written assignments, and also how I’m going to be grading them. Make sure you have access to Dropbox using the email that is on your CUNYFirst file. Please find the document on using Dropbox here. A video of me using Dropbox on my iPhone can be found here.
Need Help with MAT 1275?
The Mathematics Department’s MAT 1275 Course Hub has many resources for both students and faculty, including online lessons, review information, and more.
The WeBWorK Guide and the WeBWorK Q&A site is a place to ask and answer questions about your homework problems. HINT: To ask a question, start by logging in to your WeBWorK section, then click “Ask for Help” after any problem.
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