Big Day 1 – Sandwich Shop Presentations

Today, Fabruary 4, 2014, three ambitious project management teams from Hudson Sandwich Studios were presenting their perfect sandwiches. Actually, we can not call this big event a ‘presentation’, because it was more like an ‘implementation’ of the projects. Project implementation was brilliantly handled by the award-winning local crew of PBJ-2K – Pat.

At 8am, before the trucks load-in, all participants were informed about V124 Performing Arts Center rental prices (very decent, btw):


After that teams were required to put all their materials and construction drawings inside the 9″x9″x9″ trucks within a 5 min time frame. Each team had its own, very personal approach to this procedure:

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All goods were then shipped to the venue extremely quickly:


Local crew Pat was already there and ready to work. After unloading the first truck, he immediately started the assembly of the sandwich, heroically wading through 7 pages of boring instructions. In a couple of minutes the first sandwich was constructed.


Not having any rest, Pat began to unload the next truck and assemble the second sandwich. The main emphasis in the construction of this one was given to the aesthetic component of the final product, and, it was, undoubtedly, the most eye-catching sandwich among the three.


The third sandwich was constructed based on minimalist style, without a pile of paperwork, in a ‘simpler is always better’ way.


As we can see, each team had its own approach not only to the construction principals, but also to the choice of materials and even to the aesthetics of the final project.

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As of the venue rentals, only one short and friendly phone call was used during the construction process:


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2 Responses to Big Day 1 – Sandwich Shop Presentations

  1. Shandingo says:

    It was What to be referred to as a refreshing simplistic way of articulating detail and developing paths towards accuracy … EVERYTHING OR ANYTHING MOREand nothing less!! It’s was interesting And also provoked some mirth

  2. Yaro says:

    you’re so right:)

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