ADA (Americans With Disabilities Act):  Created in 1990, these are laws that keep people with disabilities from being discriminated against. These laws regulate employment, transportation, public accommodations, communications and government activities.


Floor Area Ratio (FAR):  A ratio decided by Zoning that establishes the total allowable square footage of a building by dividing it by the square footage of the lot.


Open Space Ratio (OSR):  A ratio decided by Zoning that extablishes the amount of open space required on a lot from the amount of floor area on the lot.


Phases of Architecture:  1.) Schematic Phase – creation of general sketches, ideas, and designs of a building take place in this phase.

2.) Design Development – once an idea is established it must be developed.  Meaning materials, finishes, and other aesthetic decisions must be made during this phase.

3.) Construction Documents – these documents are created to communicate to the contractor how the design should be built.  This includes all detail drawings, specifications, etc.

4.) BID Documents – these are documents given to a contractor to receive quotes, and prices for the job that is to take place

5.) Construction Administration – this is when the contracts are awarded, the construction commences, and payment to the owner is established


Setbacks:  The minimum amount of distance from a property line that a structure may be built.


Sky Exposure Plane:  A virtual plane that begins at a certain height and rises inward over a zoning lot at a ratio of the vertical distance over the horizontal distance set by district regulations.  This is designed to allow light and air reach street level in high density districts.



(J) Occupancy: the space needed per person

(J) Capacity: the maximum amount that something can handle

(J) Zoning: dividing an area in to zones