Hollow Geometric and Organic Forms
Divina’s Star Folded Paper (Spring 2016, photo:Mijori)
Kevin’s Tie-Dyed Dodecahedron (Spring 2018)
Vanessa’s Suspended Geometric Form (Fall 2016)
Irina S “Hexagrammic Pyramid” (Spring 2017)
Calvin’s “Geometric Cube” (Spring 2016)
Owusu’s “MetroCard” (Spring 2016)
Rafael’s Within the Shape Hollow Geometric Form in Plexiglas (Fall 2015)
Siobhan’s Tetrahedron (Spring 2015)
Jedd’s Hollow Geometric Form and Nami’s Plexi-Form in the Student Show (Spring 2015)
Emmy’s Geometric Rose (Spring 2014)
Hollow Form with Voids by Shuyi (Fall 2014)
Jedd’s Ying-Yang Organic Forms with Voids (Spring 2015)
Doreen’s Hollow Paper Form (Fall 2015)
Dennis Wooden Organic Form (Fall 2015)
Dennis Organic Wooden Organic Form (Fall 2015)
Geneva’s “Curl” (Spring 2017)
Ron’s Painted Organic Form (Fall 2017)
Irina S Organic Form (Spring 2017)