Entry 8-Korean Korean Virtual Museum

So I took a look at an online museum by the national museum of contemporary art that showcased Korean modern and contemporary art from the 1900s and 2000s. Throughout this exhibit, we see how Korean art gradually shifted or changed as time went on. The exhibit had many interesting art pieces.

One of those art pieces that I thought was interesting was the art piece called “Stone” by Ko Younghoon. This oil painting displays a series of open books which according to the description of English versions of his library” with some stone on top of them. The art piece is supposed to represent the human conflict of civilization against nature which in my opening is a creative way to express that idea. The hyperrealism of the painting and warm colors really makes it stand out. I personally like this painting.

Another art piece that I liked is a Pigment print called “Strange Ball” by Noj Sun-tag that was made from 2005 to 2007. In the photograph piece, we see a Radome which is a structure that protects radar antennae from rain and other weather issues. This is the picture of Camp Humpthre Radome located in Dairfure Hirasawa. The Radome issued to attack fighter jest according to the museum description. The dark tone of the painting helps fit the idea that this ball is constantly watching over Daechu-RI residents.

A final Art piece that I thought was interesting was a digital chromogenic color print piece by IM Sangbin in 2009/2010. The painting combines traditional Korean places, forest trees, and mountains with more modern buildings such as sky skyscrapers from locations like Seoul and Manhatten. I personally like this art piece as well because it makes me want to imagine how this would look in real life. imagine.

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