Animation example



Implied motion




I believe what I learned most from this multi part project was craftsmanship. Partially because Larissa reiterated how important is was, over, and over…and over again, but I agree. See the end products of overdoes work helps us contrast how good our own craftsmanship is. I also learned personally that I need to plan more when it comes to doing a design instead of just laying whatever down. The project was successful in itself because it taught me what it set out to. What was not successful wasI believe the finish of some of the pieces.


Graphic first FU graphic FTgraphic NOgraphic design


I’m studying graphic design because it’s another way of expressing myself. I’m taking this class because I want to be able to articulate myself perfectly and improve my skills. For the same reason I’m taking my english classes, I just want people to understand what’s in or on my mind. This usually comes from good execution. I have good ideas and now I just need to execute them well.

The type of work that inspires me are pieces that surprise me. I like when I see something that I’ve never thought of that makes me wonder what the creator was thinking. All in all I love it when something works correctly. I am going to be a product designer, and nothing makes me want to throw a device out the window more then when it doesn’t work correctly.

I would like to think that I like to work with a plan. Yet the way it usually pans out is I begin with a plan and by the time that I start the idea changes completely. I think this is another solution because it usually gives a good result , the only problem is staying focused on the task that I set for myself in the beginning.

I have always wanted to do an entire ad campaign for clothing with my photography. Coming up with sales strategy, demographic, and the entire concept intrigues me!

Formal Definitions:

Plane-a flat surface on which a straight line joining any two points on it would wholly lie.

Shapethe external form or appearance characteristic of someone or something; the outline of an area or figure.

Framea rigid structure that surrounds or encloses something.

My definition;

Plane– The surface that the subject is on, typically in the background supporting the main object but not what grabs your focus.

Shape– Shape is the form of the subjects in a composition.

Frame– I think frame has to do with the composition of a piece. Framing can also be what you decide to leave out of an image.


FU graphicpoint FU graphic FTgraphic Graphic first FTgraphic FU graphic FU graphicpoint Graphic first NOgraphic design


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