Author Archives: Dr. Benito Mendoza

Hello world!

Welcome to Hello, World! course. Here you can find all this information about this course. Enjoy!

Course Rationale

Computers are all around us, sometimes disguised or embedded in other devices such as phones or tablets, video game consoles, cars, washing machines, and TVs. Whether at work or home, computers play a fundamental role in our daily activities, such as research, analysis, communication and collaboration (including texting and social networks), entertainment, and shopping. Computers are also used to control other machines or systems, such as robots, manufacturing machinery, home automation systems, traffic control systems, and the stock and the financial market. The functionality or behavior of a computer is dictated by lines of code or programs. Learning to code is a valuable skill for life; it strengths logical thinking and problem-solving skills. Coding is considered one of the most important skills for the 21st century and is vital for many fields, from science and engineering to medicine and law