App Review: Evernote

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No matter where I am, an idea for something will pop into my head that I won’t want to forget. It’s impossible to always make sure that you have a pen/pencil and paper available at any given moment. Thus, I rely on my phone quite a lot for making notes about things. Although my Galaxy phone already comes with a pre-installed Memo app, I’m always interested in trying apps that may potentially be better than a phone’s standard apps. Continue reading App Review: Evernote

Working Remotely

image via Burst

The different days that we get to have off during any school semester is always interesting to me. Being at CityTech, it’s the only time in my life I’ve ever had time off because of Jewish holidays. (I grew up Catholic and went to Catholic school just about my whole life). Recently, there were at least two weeks that coincided with Jewish holidays. Two of those days, school was not in session while the following week’s additional days of the holiday did not result in school being closed. Although this may seem like a random thing to point out, unbeknownst, a good majority of people who work within the Sacatelle company happen to be of the Jewish faith. Continue reading Working Remotely