Trip To UTF


This is a Flexography form of printing process which utilizes a flexible relief plate. It is essentially a modern version of letterpress which can be used for printing on almost any type of substrate, including plastic, metallic films, cellophane, and paper.


This is a from of web off set printing. Web offset printing differs from sheet-fed offset printing, in which individual pages of paper are fed into the offset machine. Sheet-fed offset printing is popular for small and medium-sized fixed jobs such as limited-edition books. image

This is a folding & inserting machine which is a mechanical device used to fold paper and automatically insert the folded paper into envelopes. Many models also offer the ability to seal the envelopes. Predominantly used for mailing, folding & inserting machines offer a way to automate the mail preparation process and eliminate much of the manual labour that’s involved in packing your mail. over all this was a fun trip, I learned a lot. It fun to get to see what we were talking about all semester.

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