1. Aid in curriculum packing Wednesday, May 1st (12-4pm) and/ or Friday May 3rd (12-4pm). (2 hour shifts available)
2. In-school curriculum leader the week of May 13th.1.) Curriculum Packing:
URGENT! Help is needed, Wednesday, May 1st and Friday, May 3rd between the hours of 12-4pm. 2 hour shifts of your convenience are available. Packing is held at the Spoons office in mid-town Manhattan. (Snacks provided.) Sign up below!2.) In-School Curriculum Leader:
During the week of May 13th to 17th get more involved in the FMR program by leading a classroom in our ladders-based relay race! You must be available for one 60-minute volunteer slot (15 minutes of set-up plus 45-minutes to lead the curriculum). Curriculum Leaders will have the opportunity to match themselves to the school/ schedule of their choice. Let us know if you’d like to lead more than one classroom activity– more help is always appreciated! More about the program is below. In-person training is required. Sign up below!
Program Details: FMR is a 45-minute, 4th-grade core-based curriculum that takes place one day during the week of May 13-17, according to a school’s schedule (plus approximately 15 minutes of set up is involved in this program.) FMR is an exciting, fun, hands-on, physically active program offering students the opportunity to learn: What “Food Miles” are and how far food items travel from their origin; That it often takes more energy for food to travel from far away than it does to travel from more local sources; To pay more attention to where their food comes from; That locally grown foods are freshest; That the quality and taste of food can be affected by the distance it traveled, how it is handled and stored. This is accomplished through the running of a “ladders” relay- type course in conjunction with discussion.
Please let me know if you have any questions and I look forward to working with you! 🙂