HW for Monday

1. Inverse outlining an essay to see connections within its many ideas. Re-read Adrian Chen’s “Don’t Be a Stranger” (pp. 61-66). Make a numbered list of notes describing the main idea in each of the essay’s 29 paragraphs. Each of your notes needn’t be longer than a phrase.
When finished, look over your list. What do you notice about the overall form of this essay? What is the main topic it seems to be about? Where and how is the main topic introduced? Where and how does the essay meander away from this main idea?
Post your list and a couple sentences responding to 1 or more of these questions.

2. Finish a rough draft of Essay 1 and bring in 2 hard copies of it next week. By Monday night, please turn in a digital copy of your draft as a Google Doc (instructions for how to do so are here).

22 thoughts on “HW for Monday”

  1. Question:

    Answer: In each of these essay, I notice that it always start with a problem and a conclusion in the end. The main idea in this essay is about how sometime meeting new people on social media could be a bad idea. The main idea is introduce with a first person view. This essay meander away from the main idea by giving out situations about meeting new people on social media and cat-fishing.

    Paragraphs from list of notes:

    1.) In paragraph one the main idea is that it compares internet from 2006 and now. How back then wifi was slower. It also talks about how people could meet new people on the internet.

    2.) Paragraph two main idea is about a guy name Austin who met another guy on this website called UrHo. They both are funny and they click instantly when they met up with each other.

    3.) Paragraph three main idea is about how meeting new people online is dying out and how social media is taking over by meeting new people.

    4.) The main idea in paragraph four is about how people be cat-fishing online and it cause a lot of problems. It also talks about a MTV reality show who also show people what is cat-fishing.

    5.) Paragraph five main idea is about how cat-fishing show fear hasn’t change with in social media appearing.

    6.) Paragraph six main idea talks about how Schulman call Jamison phone to get his side of the story, but when Schulman call Jamison it sound like a ten year old on the phone. Paragraph six also talks about never trust people online that easily.

    7) In paragraph seven it talks about how catfish can blame the victim as well as the perpetrator. Catfish is also a online friendship depressing massively multiplayer online.

    8.) Paragraph 8 main idea is about how cat fishing pretend to be your real friend and be close with you, but then when you meet him or her in person it could be awful.

    9.) Paragraph 9 main idea is about how today online relationship could distress the early concern of the internet.

    10.) Paragraph 10 is about how social media is being compare with Licklider and Facebook.

    11.) The main idea in paragraph 11 is about is Facebook making people feel lonely and sad. It also talking about how Facebook is a bad social media website to go onto.

    12.) Paragraph 12 main idea is about how if we map out between people and the thing we like about, then it form a connections with everyone.

    13.) In paragraph 13 it talks about Facebook knock out Lidlicker’s. Also, in paragraph 13 it talks about how catfish won’t work on Facebook.

    14.) No-one goes onto makeoutclub.com. These day no one talks about makeoutclub.com. Thing change over time and period.

    15.) Makeoutclub.com was popular between emo and punk kids going on it. It was founded by Gibby Miller. It was founded during the year of 2000, four years before Facebook came out. Makeoutclub.com made emo and punk kids feel accepted and be weird.

    16.) Makeoutclub.com was a way where people could hook up.

    17.) Makeoutclub.com you could find love and find people near your location.

    18.) Makeoutclub.com brought people together with Lickliderian common interest. Lickliderian does not produce a utopia.

    19.) Makeoutclub.com isn’t dead. Some people still use it.




    1. Nice start, Andy–I like your idea that the essay meanders away from the topic of how socializing online has changed since the early 2000s by “giving out examples” of catfishing, other sorts of meet-ups (Austin), etc.  If you choose to revise/add to this, could you say a bit more about the connections you see between some of the paragraphs (for instance, paragraphs 5-6)?  Or, perhaps you could think/write a little bit about the way the last section of the essay (from paragraph 20 onward) connects to the first section (paragraphs 1-3)?


      1. Refix the paragraphs:

        In paragraph 5 and 6 it talks about how cat-fishing on social media isn’t always social. Also, in these two paragraphs also talks about how catfish won’t Facetime, Skype, or even snapchat with other people on social media. By not facetiming, skype or snapchat cat-fisher doesn’t reveal their real self. In paragraph 6 especially it talks about how cat-fisher will always tell a story. Finally, cat-fisher tend to go quick in a fake relationship. I just think that being a cat-fisher is a really awful idea.

  2. List of notes:

    1.    The way Adrian Chen starts his article is like he is about to talk about how the internet was back in 2006 compared to how it is today / Where he met his best friend Austin which was not his real name was active in Urban Honking poster and that was when Austin send him an email from his yahoo mail account/ back then people emailed each other more often.

    2.When they met up Austin was not what he expected but they connected pretty well they still keep in touch through email and gchat

    3.Meeting online with strangers is a big no no websites that include for you to talk to strangers are dying out because people prefer to be public

    4.Talks about ” Catfish” myspace when strangers would pretend to be certain people to satisfy sociopathic emotional needs

    5. catfish today has to vanished because just like phones the internet is very common in out life , meeting people online might not go as good as it was for him when he met austin

    6. Sunny finding out Jamison was not a male model turns out Jamison is a girl named Chelsea who is younger than her.

    7.Catfish is like entertainment, catfish can blame the victim as well because they are playing back basically when they could tell maybe its too perfect to be true and its “online” So we have to blame ourselves if we feed back into it as well

    8.Social media is humilating our real life relationships instead of having a conversation with someone ewe doing it through electronics.

    9.Theorists would have been shocked on how we ended up being by communicating in our electronic caves , some thought that online relationships would be better than talking to someone by there presence because we get to choose who we wanna talk to online as well

    10. The internet consumes true friendships , Friendships is the exchange of a personal building block

    11.is facebook making us lonely a conclusions of building ourselves to self love society coming to pieces both ways but also saying that they should just allow you to put your real name.

    12.we would all fall into the same graph because we all mostly likely like the same things and we are almost all the same on the graph

    13.If we put our names anonymously there would be no strangers we should just be only allowed to put our real names but this didn’t happen to the relationship between Austin it can go different ways

    14. a computer is a projection of a very small part of ourselves “logic, order, rule and clarity”

    15. Social media not acting computer logical before there was makeoutclub.com but it dod not win like myspace and facebook

    16. It was referred as the first social network but only emo and punk kids used it found by a entrepreneur in Boston out of his bedroom

    17. so it was used by people who were lonely they got to make there profiles and it made them feel like they weren’t lonely

    18. gave access to buy things online remain in style

    19. it was excellent for hook ups but it was not specifically made for this

    20. in the real world Auston was awkward but he would ask people to go on dates by being able to search by location which is something that is hard to do so on facebook but they would most likely not make out, he found his wife through makeoutclub

    21. A lot of freaks would stalk pages they would come up with weird names for each other caught his eye because she was wearing an eye patch he was lonely so he started to write to girls after college

    22. he started by saying if he saw a girl with a eye patch he will marry her they ended up messaging each other and there relationship went on

    23. they’ve been married for over eight years Austin and dana met up in New York she missed her flight to Canada he ended up asking her to marry him they kept in touch when she went to Canada

    24.There are other online communities outside of Facebook where strangers are forging real and connecting relationships they are not carried out by statues they meet up at times and have real life conversations

    25.the internet slows down friendship

    26. The website makeoutclub is not dead, they stopped using it, it is from the older times where they had value hair cuts and white belts, meet ups still occur now tho not as much as before and so on

    27. this was in that time the falcon cuts nothing else had changed


    What is the main topic it seems to be about ?

    The essay “Don’t be a Stranger”  talks about how meeting up with strangers was back in the 2000’s through social media also comparing to what we use now which is facebook. He explains one website they used before and situations that occurred with meeting people online.




    1. This is a great list of notes on the paragraphs in Chen’s “Don’t Be a Stranger,” Melannie.  If you choose to revise/add to your comment at the bottom, could you say a bit more about the connections you see between some of the paragraphs?  Or, perhaps you could think/write a little bit about the way the last section of the essay (from paragraph 20 onward) connects to the first section (paragraphs 1-3)?


  3. How and where the author met his now best friend, and what the author Adrian Chen, was doing that he was able to meet this person.

    The initial message sent by Austin that led up to the in person meeting between him and Adrian, and how they remain close friends even with living across the country, by Gchat and email.

    How it’s unlikely for people to interact with other people they don’t know on the internet, due to people being more comfortable communicating with people they know making it easier to block scammers, trolls, stalkers etc.

    Certain internet social platforms use to be thought of as catalogs for serial killers, rapist, and cyberstalkers, but now people have to be aware of the new “Catfish” who create fake pages and attract others for personal “sociopathic emotional need”.

    The fear of online strangers hasn’t gone away, but its perception has changed in a sense, describing a online relationship between a female Sunny and her model boyfriend that she has never video chatted with.

    Sunny thought the feelings were real and mutual between her and her online boyfriend Jamison, which turned out to be a “sun deprived young woman named Chelsea” who had no remorse for any hurt or pain she may have caused.

    It’s hard to feel bad or empathy for people like Sunny, who fall into the obvious emotional scams. You need someone to lie to and believe in the lies in order for the lies to keep progressing.

    Because of Catfishing, real friendships don’t or will not exist soon and only becoming a feeling of being in a friendship. Bringing old and new fears of “internet strangers with newer anxieties about the authenticity of online friendship”

    A prediction of a happier life of an online individual by computer scientist J.C.R. Lickerlider and truer bonds than in the real world is the exact opposite of what is taking place on the internet today. E.g Catfish

    Admitting Lickerlider’s predictions were wrong.

    “Instead of asking, “is Facebook making us lonely?..” What exactly is it about Facebook that makes people ask if it’s making us lonely”?

    The answer Mark Zuckerberg gave to the question; “The idea, is that if you mapped out all the connections between people and the things they care about, it would form a graph that connects everyone together.”

    How Facebook “kills” Lickerliders “dream of fluid on-line interactive communities” because we’re on a social graph according to a computer logic, but most if not all on Facebook “asses rest in our chairs in the real world.”

    Computer logic is not like real people, and is only a “projection of a small part of ourselves,” therefore the values of a computer logic are not associated with a fulfilling friendship.

    A social network that’s logic was different from computer logic and how they existed before Facebook or MySpace but wasn’t nearly as popular.

    When the social network was founded, who it consist of, the type of culture and who started it.

    “The warnings of social disintegration and virtual imprisonment sounded by today’s social media skeptics would have seemed absurd to the kids of Makeoutclub.”

    Introduces a writing piece from a journalist with Makeoutclub.com

    Kids in “one-parking-lot-towns” had access to style and other things making them “in the know”, up on trends, and what was going on in the big cities outside of their towns, making Makeoutclub a “one stop shopping for self makers

    Even though the social media site’s name was Makeoutclub.com it was not explicitly for dating but that didn’t stop the “thousands of horny young” people from talking about sex or hooking up.

    Adrian’s friend Austin has/had a profile on Makeoutclub.com and met his wife on the site.

    “Makeoutclub brought people together with a Lickerliderian common interest, but it didn’t produce a Lickerliderian utopia” going on to explain how the network was messy but still and all Austin found his wife.

    The random decision Austin made to marry the next woman he met with an eye patch and the initial message between Austin and Dana before they lost contact.

    Austin moved to NYC, Dana instant messaged Austin by mistake, they chat, Austin finds out Dana has a trip to NYC coming up and they plan to link up. ( Dana spends the night with Austin and misses her flight back to Canada, though keeping in touch, Austin asks Dana to marry him a few weeks later

    Lickerlider’s dream wasn’t as naïve as it appeared

    “Out of all of the millions of bullshitters on the World Wide Web, we somehow found each other, liked each other enough to bullshit together…”

    Makeoutclub.com is still active, with the founder posting a picture he’d taken in 2000 to the site forum.

    Founder, Gibby Miller captions the picture he posted.

    Appreciation of a cut going out of style.

    I noticed that in this essay the author often gets lost in the details about whatever subject he is discussing in the present paragraph. He uses these facts and opinions to accuse and defend the internet from being a “predator” and believing people can make friendships through the internet, which is his main point/ topic

    1. Great work, Syeeda–I especially appreciate the quotations you’ve pulled from the article in some of your paragraph notes.  If you choose to revise/add to your comment at the bottom, could you say a bit more about the connections you see between some of the paragraphs (e.g., #5 and #6—about catfishing)?  Or, perhaps you could think/write a little bit about the way the last section of the essay (from paragraph 20 onward) connects to the first section (paragraphs 1-3)?



    2. 1. How and where the author met his now best friend, and what the author Adrian Chen, was doing that he was able to meet this person.
      2. The initial message sent by Austin that led up to the in person meeting between him and Adrian, and how they remain close friends even with living across the country, by Gchat and email.
      3. How it’s unlikely for people to interact with other people they don’t know on the internet, due to people being more comfortable communicating with people they know making it easier to block scammers, trolls, stalkers etc.
      4. Certain internet social platforms use to be thought of as catalogs for serial killers, rapist, and cyberstalkers, but now people have to be aware of the new “Catfish” who create fake pages and attract others for personal “sociopathic emotional need”.
      5. The fear of online strangers hasn’t gone away, but its perception has changed in a sense, describing a online relationship between a female Sunny and her model boyfriend that she has never video chatted with.
      6. Sunny thought the feelings were real and mutual between her and her online boyfriend Jamison, which turned out to be a “sun deprived young woman named Chelsea” who had no remorse for any hurt or pain she may have caused.
      7. It’s hard to feel bad or empathy for people like Sunny, who fall into the obvious emotional scams. You need someone to lie to and believe in the lies in order for the lies to keep progressing.
      8. Because of Catfishing, real friendships don’t or will not exist soon and only becoming a feeling of being in a friendship. Bringing old and new fears of “internet strangers with newer anxieties about the authenticity of online friendship”
      9. A prediction of a happier life of an online individual by computer scientist J.C.R. Lickerlider and truer bonds than in the real world is the exact opposite of what is taking place on the internet today. E.g Catfish
      10. Admitting Lickerlider’s predictions were wrong.
      11. “Instead of asking, “is Facebook making us lonely?..” What exactly is it about Facebook that makes people ask if it’s making us lonely”?
      12. The answer Mark Zuckerberg gave to the question; “The idea, is that if you mapped out all the connections between people and the things they care about, it would form a graph that connects everyone together.”
      13. How Facebook “kills” Lickerliders “dream of fluid on-line interactive communities” because we’re on a social graph according to a computer logic, but most if not all on Facebook “asses rest in our chairs in the real world.”
      14. Computer logic is not like real people, and is only a “projection of a small part of ourselves,” therefore the values of a computer logic are not associated with a fulfilling friendship.
      15. A social network that’s logic was different from computer logic and how they existed before Facebook or MySpace but wasn’t nearly as popular.
      16. When the social network was founded, who it consist of, the type of culture and who started it.
      17. “The warnings of social disintegration and virtual imprisonment sounded by today’s social media skeptics would have seemed absurd to the kids of Makeoutclub.”
      18. Introduces a writing piece from a journalist with Makeoutclub.com
      19. Kids in “one-parking-lot-towns” had access to style and other things making them “in the know”, up on trends, and what was going on in the big cities outside of their towns, making Makeoutclub a “one stop shopping for self makers
      20. Even though the social media site’s name was Makeoutclub.com it was not explicitly for dating but that didn’t stop the “thousands of horny young” people from talking about sex or hooking up.
      21. Adrian’s friend Austin has/had a profile on Makeoutclub.com and met his wife on the site.
      22. “Makeoutclub brought people together with a Lickerliderian common interest, but it didn’t produce a Lickerliderian utopia” going on to explain how the network was messy but still and all Austin found his wife.
      23. The random decision Austin made to marry the next woman he met with an eye patch and the initial message between Austin and Dana before they lost contact.
      24. Austin moved to NYC, Dana instant messaged Austin by mistake, they chat, Austin finds out Dana has a trip to NYC coming up and they plan to link up. ( Dana spends the night with Austin and misses her flight back to Canada, though keeping in touch, Austin asks Dana to marry him a few weeks later
      25. Lickerlider’s dream wasn’t as naïve as it appeared
      26. “Out of all of the millions of bullshitters on the World Wide Web, we somehow found each other, liked each other enough to bullshit together…”
      27. Makeoutclub.com is still active, with the founder posting a picture he’d taken in 2000 to the site forum.
      28. Founder, Gibby Miller captions the picture he posted.
      29. Appreciation of a cut going out of style.

      I noticed that in this essay the author often gets lost in the details about whatever subject he is discussing in the present paragraph. He uses these facts and opinions to accuse and defend the internet from being a “predator” and believing people can make friendships through the internet, which is his main point/ topic. Like in paragraph 5, Chen let’s us know that the fear of a internet predator still exist because the predators still exist. Going on to explain further a situation where a young female thinks she meets the perfect guy. A once in a lifetime chance only being able to find him online because it’s the WORLD WIDE WEB, when in reality when she meets this perfect boyfriend in paragraph 6, it’s not even a male. “Issa” woman! A remorseless woman who needs some vitamin D in her life.


  4. List of Main Ideas from each Paragraph:

    1. Urban Honking brought a small group of Internet users to a centralized place

    2. The author meets his best friend through Urban Honking

    3. Meeting online friends used to have a stigma, and is still generally discouraged outside of online dating

    4. People who catfish are the new versions of the Internet boogeymen

    5. Being afraid of Internet strangers has become just as relevant today as the websites used to encourage it

    6. Sunny’s “The One” turns out to be some random woman who doesn’t care about Sunny’s feelings

    7. Catfishing has shown that the victim is as much to blame as the perpetrator

    8. Catfishing connects old fears with new ones

    9. Early theorists hypothesized that Internet relationships would actually be truer than real life relationships

    10. The relationships formed through online means are ultimately influenced by the website’s designer

    11. Facebook is influenced by how Zuckerberg “the programmer”

    12. The social graph insinuates that we are all connected in some way

    13. Facebook’s model for maintaining relationships takes out the uniqueness of making online friends like the early days

    14. Basing a relationship on how a computer works does not work because we are not computers

    15. Not every social media website was trying to create a “logical” friendship

    16. Like Urban Honking, Makeoutclub brought together a certain group of people to a centralized location

    17. Contrary to contemporary belief, those who joined Makeoutclub were able to remove themselves from isolation

    18. Subcultures were able to spread through websites like Makeoutclub

    19. Makeoutclub allowed for romantic ventures free of algorithmic suggestions to who someone should date

    20. Further emphasis on Makeoutclub’s natural dating scene, as Facebook only directs you to people you may already know

    21. Just because these more “natural” social websites allowed for more human than algorithmic interaction, does not mean that people came to a common ground

    22. The anonymity that “bred a productive recklessness” is exemplified by Austin

    23. Exemplification that online friendships can mean something despite what people say today

    24. People are still able to create meaningful relationships online in spite of how banal Facebook has made online relationships

    25. We all still define friendships in our own ways, and thus our online relationships are nuanced

    26. Social websites like Makoutclub are still around, but are still trying to relive their glory days

    27. Miller describes the nostalgia he feels about Makoutclub

    28. Vulcan cuts

    After looking over these notes, I feel that the overall form of this essay is the presentation of an idea, namely that making friends online has a unnecessary stigma attached to it, and several analyses of the evolution of social media that show how it’s managed to take a step back. Regarding the main topic, it appears in paragraph 3, introduced by the author first describing how he met his best friend, through an online forum of all places. The author states that with websites like Facebook, people would rather surround themselves with people they already know than with strangers, which is, in a sense, weird, given that the Internet allows connections to all over the world. While websites like Urban Honking and Makeoutclub allowed people to interact in an almost organic way, the commonality being the niche or subculture the users belonged to, Facebook was made so that people wouldn’t be scared of the Internet boogeymen.

    The author does meander a little of the main topic during his discussion of the show Catfish, as this was merely a side effect of the changes social media went through. While the main topic revolves around the idea that people are not creating meaningful relationships on social media, the example of catfishing show that people still make attempts to form these types of relationships, but do not care enough to actually make them meaningful. It gets back on track when discussing how Facebook, one of the winners in the social medium race, helped form the banal online relationships we see today.

  5. 1)Adrian Chen starts off his essay by stating that the use of internet today is not much different than 2006 and how it helped him meet his best friend
    2) Austin was not as how he thought he’d be but they still had a good connection and were still in contact through email and Gchat
    3) People tend to have a better communication with the people they know rather than taking the chance of meeting people through online websites
    4) It’s not to blame why people have this mistrust in social forms nowadays when MySpace was a platform of victims but now people have to be aware of accounts being a “catfish”
    5) There is still some form of mistrust/fear with online strangers but at the same time more people are being open to this new form of social interaction  as he showed an example of Sunny and Jamison who although have never video-chatted, Sunny states Jamison is the one
    6) Sunny thought Jamison was the one until Sunny and Schulman decided to finally meet and it turned out that Jamison was actually “sundeprived young woman named Chelsea”. She did not feel remorse about the whole situation while Sunny thought that Jamison was the one
    7) Catfish really isn’t to blame for. People like Sunny should have known that being in a relationship through the internet could have expectations that could have turned out either right or wrong. As the author stated in the first sentence “being victimized by weirdos on the internet” is what happened with Sunny
    8)Catfish is a mix of old fears and newer anxieties when it comes to the legitimacy of online friendships.
    9) Computer scientist J.C.R Licklider inferred how communication would be in the future. He assumed that a person would be happier if one interacts by sharing interests and goals

    10) The internet is holding people back from true friendships like Facebook. It seems that many people are not getting the true meaning of having a platform that holds “specific values that inform that site”

    11) The founder of Facebook , Mark Zuckerberg has a whole different idea of how friendships online are. As he brought his ideas to the platform, some people are being found lonely and not getting the best out of possible Facebook friendships
    12) Human relationships are being modeled through computer logic and fixing us on the social graph which turns back to Lidlickers prediction about “online interactive communities” and it being the total opposite in our lives today
    13) Ellen Ullman points out what the values of a friendship are not
    14) There was once makeoutclub.com that withheld true characteristics of what social interaction should be but it didn’t make it unlike Facebook or MySpace
    15) More information is given about makeoutclub and its founding
    16) As stated in the text , sex and love were part of the communities that used makeoutclub and it was not like social media today where it’s based off algorithms and programming
    17) Austin met his wife on makeoutclub. The author goes on talking about the features makeoutclub once had
    18) Makeout club had characteristics that Licklider had stated earlier in the text. Although the media was considered “messy” people like Austin were able to meet his now wife
    19) Dana and Austin traded conversations for a few days and after a few days they stopped talking but then communicated again. Dana would be taking a trip to New York and they finally met and afterwards got married
    20) Austins friendship with the author and his relationship with his wife show us how it is possible to find true online acquaintances like Licklider stated.
    21) Adrian Chen believes that it is possible to make real online friendships and that we can all find each other also like each other enough to want to “bullshit together”

    22) Gibby Miller posted a picture he took back in 2000 to Makeoutclub’s forums. He goes on saying that the appreciation of a cut is being outdated
    The essay “Don’t be a Stranger”explains how the internet in the 2000s is not much different. But still had some changes made. The way people perceived meeting people in real life rather than just strictly having communicating through the internet.

  6. List of Main Idea’s in Adrian Chen’s “Don’t be A Stranger”

    1. Comparing how internet was in 2006 in terms of WiFi being slower back to how internet now is faster and better.

    2. Chen talks about meeting a guy named Austin and how they instantly clicked.

    3. The impact social media has now in terms of how people meet on the internet. In other words, more people are interacting and meeting each other online through social media platforms such as Twitter, SnapChat, Instagram, etc.

    4. “Catfish” and the problems caused from it.

    5. “Catfish” today has completely vanished because of internet being so common for meeting people online, but it may not turn out well in the end.

    6. Schulman calling Jamison who sounded like a 10 year old girl on the phone.

    7. Catfish can blame the victim because we can easily believe who we talk to online, which is like “entertainment.”

    8. People get catfished most of the time when they build a close bond with someone online, but when it comes to meeting them face to face, they become heartbroken(in most scenarios).

    9. Online relationship could distress the early concern of the internet.

    10. Social media platforms such as FaceBook, keeps the internet from building “real friendships” with people.

    11. Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of FaceBook had a different belief in what online friendships were, but unfortunately some people became sad and lonely on FaceBook.

    12. As human beings, we fall into the same graph in terms of internet because we all use the internet and social media to interact with others.

    13. What are the values of friendships and what are not.

    14. The difference between a computer and a relationship which entitles that a relationship doesn’t work the same way as a computer.

    15. Not all social media platforms create a “logical” friendship.

    16. Sex and love were viewed as part of communities that used sites such as Makeoutclub.

    17. People who used Makeoutclub were more isolated amongst themselves.

    18. Media like Makeoutclub was considered “messy” based on Austin’s experience when he met his wife.

    19. Makeoutclub was used for romantically purposes for people to hook up with others.

    20. The relationship with Chen and Austin as well with Austin and his wife proved that meeting people online can have an positive aspect in terms of making friends.

    21. Chen believed that there is real online friendship out there, it just a matter of looking for it.

    22.The author begins to state that if he saw a girl with an eye patch, he would marry her and message each other everyday.

    23. Online friendships can mean something despite what people think about it.

    24. There are meaningful friendships created outside FaceBook where people are forming real interactions with others they meet online.

    25. Everyone has a different meaning when it comes to friendships, online friendships are slight different.

    26. Websites like Makeoutclub are still around trying to make a comeback.

    The overall idea of this essay is that Chen is making a point of how making friends online can have an positive and negative aspect to it. In the 3rd paragraph, Chen talks about meeting his best friend online which is what most of us do now a days. There are cases where people meet someone online and become good friends with them. For instance, now they are even making dating apps for people to socialize and fall in love. The author also states that social media platforms such as FaceBook, people often tend to be around people they already know whether it from someone they met at school or etc, which entitles them to feel safe. Compared to platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, etc people are more opened to interacting with strangers which leads to some people being “catfished.” Chen mentions the T.V show “Catfish” and how it causes problems in terms of social media. Now a days most people are still interacting with other people through social media even though they may not fully know who they are on the other side of the screen, which diminishes the idea of having a meaningful friendship with someone like FaceBook has.

  7. In Adrian Chen article ” Don’t Be a Stranger” talks about social media and the internet of mid-2000s and today. Chen also states that, there’s not much difference of  mid-2000s internet and today. In the mid 2000s the media reports about the dangerous of MySpace and how easy it’s to search for rapists, serial killer etc. Nowadays we are warn of “Catfish” con artist who create attractive false profile.

  8. List:

    1) The internet allows you to connect with your friends from real life

    2)People may appear different in person than they look online

    3) There is a stigma about meeting someone online

    4) People are using online social sites to satisfy their sociopathic tendencies

    5) Online social sites are allowing strangers to connect with each other to form relationships

    6) People are crazy, they would pretend to be someone they are not and will be remorseless when they are exposed

    7) Catfishing is kinda obvious, so why should people feel bad for the person that was catfished

    8) Social media is changing the meaning of a friendship causing real life friendships to disintegrate

    9)  Online relationships were predicted to happen since the beginning of computers, and those relationships were predicted to be beneficial to humans according to computer logic

    10) The internet is good for advertisement but it is ruining the concept of how a friendship to be

    11) Facebook revolves around Mark Zuckerberg beliefs, common interests between our societal peers will connect everyone together

    12) According to Mark Z. Common traits between each other will unite our species

    13)  Hidden identity shouldn’t be allowed to happen on the internet

    14) Technology, specifically handheld devices, are altering societal rules

    15) Social media is divided up into sub social sites and dominant social sites, Facebook is dominant

    16) Makeoutclub was the first social media site that was founded at the start of the new millennium, 2000

    17) Makeoutclub was mostly used by depressed lonely teens

    18) Makeoutclub was also used to connect strangers for sexual advantages

    19) People were able to find people in their locations only, due to online social advances now you can find someone who is miles away in another state or country

    20) The site Makeoutclub brought awkward people together for for sexual flings when they were lonely

    21) The site was the first site that allowed users to connect with each other after they have been disconnected

    22) Social media has impacted our generation so hard that strangers are dedicated to building complex friendships with strangers

    23) Social media has progressed and now allows users to make perpetuating friendships

    24) Makeoutclub is a significant social site that reminisces about the early days of online social interactions


    The main idea of the essay “Don’t Be A Stranger” elicit the idea that social media is altering the social aspect of societal rules is supported in the first sentence of paragraph three. The author explains the awkwardness that occurs during her social interactions when she mentions meeting someone from the internet. Throughout paragraph three the author talks about how social media is changing real life friendships. Bringing your attention to paragraph twelve, the author describes how we live in an era where our social interactions are being documented just like our assets. Technology that we [humans] assembled, are monitoring and modeling human relationships.


    1) Comparison between the internet in 2006 and today and how people with similar likes can connect to each other form all over the world.

    2) The author meet up the a name Austin’s from Urban Honking message board who later became her best friend.

    3) Meeting people online still has a stigma and people find it weirdly to interact with people they don’t already know.

    4) Strangers online was once considered the boogeyman but now it’s cherishing

    5) The show catfish shows brings people who been talking online together but most of the time it not the person in the picture they haven talking to.

    6) Sunny’s the one turned out to be a 17 year old. Sunny  got catfished.

    7) Both parties can be a victim and perpetrators.

    8) Catfish combines the old fears of the internet strangers with newer anxieties about the authenticity of any online friendship.

    9) J.C.R. Licklider “The Computer as a Communication Device”

    10) Facebook is the new bonds of friendships.

    11) Facebook models human relations on what Zuckerberg calls “The Social Graph”

    12) Connecting people between people and thing they care about it will form a group.

    13) Zuckerberg ideal social group is the human relationship modeled according to computer logic.

    14) Computers are not real people therefore can not be fulfilling friendship.

    15) Makeoutclub did not make it last the last revolution change in technology.

    16) Makeoutclub came out four year before Facebook and  Urban Honking.

    17) Makeoutclub was there thousands of people came to realization that they weren’t alone.

    18) Culture of fashion, music, books, etc. was being through makeoutclub.

    19) Makeoutclub romantic relationship to for by people in the local are.

    20) Austin meet his wife on the internet Makeoutclub.

    21) Instant messengers was another for to stay connected with online friends.

    22) The internet and social networks made it easy for strangers to form friendship and or romantic relationship.

    23) There’s more social networks out there to from friendship or any relationship besides Facebook.

    24)    The authors said that majority of friendships created on line by people finding each other and liking each other.

    25) From makeoutclub to today’s internet it shows that all ages were hooked on to the world wide and meeting strangers will always occur.


    I notice that every paragraph started will capital letter indicating a n we paragraph. The over all view of this essay is how the internet has continue to evolve though time and the introduction of social network and being able to connect with other across the world basis on their particular like. The main topic of this was introduced in the first paragraph that the internet has not changed that much since 2006. I feel the essay meander away from the main topics was when the called about Austin was using the internet.


  10. 1.) In paragraph one the main idea is how the internet back in 2006 is not different from today. The only thing that’s different is the speed.
    2.) Paragraph two the main idea is about two people getting in touch and bonding through funny videos. Becoming closer through similar interests and becoming close friend
    3.) Paragraph three main idea is about socializing has changed. People know each other by the help of the internet
    4.) The main idea in paragraph four is about how the internet can fool one. Its full of strangers and no one knows who the person behind the screen is.
    5.) Paragraph five main idea is about how about how social media catfishing hasn’t changed and the fear hasn’t changed.
    6.) Paragraph six main idea is about how normal people have been victimized by weirdos they have met online. The paragraph explains what catfish is and why people do it. Its a practice of online friendship
    7) In paragraph seven the main idea is about how not only has catfish struck fear but also anxiety. The paragraph also mentions online friendship does not end with pretty results
    8.) Paragraph 8 main idea is how catfishing how the people online can pretend to be your friends and when you meet up in person it turns out awful.
    9.) Paragraph 9 main idea is talking about how today’s internet use and communication would horrify the early theorists of the internet
    10.) Paragraph 10 is about how social media is being compare with Licklider and Facebook.
    11.) The main idea in paragraph 11 is about is asking us is Facebook the reason for making people feel lonely.
    12.) Paragraph 12 main idea is about how to distinguish the difference between people and the things they care about and then it form a connection
    13)Paragraph 13 the main idea is on social media if we were to put our real names and made it private there would be less strangers and stalkers out there
    14)Paragraph 14 the  main idea is a computer is similar to us having “logic, order, rule, and clarity”
    15) Paragraph 15 the main idea is that makeoutclub.com was always there  but it did not win like myspace and facebook because of how popular they are and the amount of attention they got
    16) Paragraph 16 the main idea is that the website makeoutclub was populated by lonely emo and punk kids. Was founded by a tattoed person.
    17) Paragraph 17 the main idea is people about people who get lonely they go to the website make a profile and try to hide and avoid their loneliness by doing that
    18) Paragraph 18 the main idea is that online allowed people to buy things online and stay within the trend
    19) Paragraph 19 the main idea is that the website makeoutclub wasn’t made for dating and meeting people but became a website for people to hook up and became a excellent website for that
    20)Paragraph 20 the main idea is in the real world Auston was awkward but he would ask people to go on dates by being able to search by location which is something that is hard to do so on facebook but they would most likely not make out, he found his wife through makeoutclub
    21) Paragraph 21 the main idea is on social media people would stalk each other and they would use unique and weird names to catch another person’s attention.
    22. Paragraph 22 the main idea is the Austin made stupid decisions and made random decisions such sd if i met a girl with a patch over her eyes i would marry her  
    23. Paragraph 23 the main idea Austin and Dana have been married for over eight years. Dana and Austin always kept touch and were always close that one day Austin decided to marry her
    24. Paragraph 24 the main idea is that outside of Facebook there are other communities that let people build friendship and relationships to meet
    25. Paragraph 25 the main idea is that the the internestr shows a decrease in the results of making friendship
    26. Paragraph 26 the main idea is  the website makeoutclub is not dead instead they stopped using it
    What is the main topic it seems to be about?
    The essay “Don’t be a Stranger” talks about how the internet hasnt changed compared to back in 2006 to present times. Social media dating started off with makeoutclub which wasn’t made to hook up but it turned out to become a dating website. A website that started to catfish people and stalkers were more popular. As makeoutclub was dying out myspace came into play becoming popular and now what became popular is facebook. As Facebook became more popular is had become safer and reliable.

  11. Overall what this text was communicating is how the online platform has always been a way to communicate and create various relationships, which have progressed into real relationships in real life. The narrator gives his own input on this matter to, like as how he met his best friend online, and how his best friend ha met his wife. These were an example of two different relationships created online. He explains how this type of communication has always been around not just today, he introduces the social media platform makeoutclub which was used heavily in his days to communicate. This was similar to facebook existing before, but his main point is some form of presentation online as a person always existed. It is also described the other real life aspects that also happen with encounternace to meeting people online, to show this the author makes a connection to the show Catfish and explains it which in a way foreshadows what may really happen at times in real life. The relationship between these paragraphs were they all had a relationship to connecting the internet in some type of way to real life and how this has always been around.

    1. How the narrator used the internet in 2006 and how he met his best friend Austin

    2. First impression of Austin off the internet

    3. It is seen as peculiar to meet people online

    4. The crime behind social media and online

    5. Television based around social media

    6. Example of the show Catfish

    7. Connection of how the show Catfish can foreshadow real online relationships

    8. Allowing online to be a from of communication

    9. The pros and cons of online

    10. Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook

    11. How Facebook kills online inter reactive communities

    12. The difference between a computer and human

    13. Makeoutclub.com

    14. What makeoutclub.com is

    15. How makeoutclub was used

    16. Makeoutclub gave insight on other places

    17. Makeout club was a place for hooking up too

    18. Narrator friend Austin on makeoutclub

    19.  How makeoutclub got people together

    20. Austin meets his wife Dana online

    21. The different types of relationships you can make online

    22. What internet relationships hold

    23. Makeoutclub isn’t dead

    25. Looking back at Makeup club


    1. Hey Samira,

      I love how you explain what the main text is about giving us a “snippet”. As a reader, the first few sentences are the most important. If I haven’t read the passage I would be able to get a brief understand of what it might be about just by reading the summary you have written. It is well organized and fully thoughtful. Not only is the paragraph well explained but so are each main idea of each paragraph.

  12. Answer: The form of this essay is a like connect the dots. He makes various points but they all connect with each other regarding the internet.  The main topic is on internet relationships. It’s introduced to us in the beginning paragraph through the use of a small anecdote. He meanders away from this point by discussing Urban Honking. This tangent leads him down a road of nostalgia.

    1. The use of the internet is very similar to how it is used today.

    2. Meeting people in real life is often awkward, but with a choice few, you manage to hit it off.

    3. Meeting new people through the internet is a phenomenon of the past, replaced with real life interactions.

    4. “The online stranger is the great boogeyman of the information age.” Watch out! Stranger danger!

    5. Catfish enables the paranoia in some folks and preys on the gullible.

    6. Jamison isn’t really Jamison.

    7. Who’s really at fault here; the deranged or the deluded?

    8. These ‘fake’ online relationships are simply ways to erase loneliness.

    9. The online individual is happier than their real life persona. In real life many fall victim to being the person they think other see.

    10. In the poison internet goo, it’s Licklider vs Facebook.

    11. Mark Zuckerberg’s social graph is responsible for the Facebook algorithm.

    12. we are all connected in one way or another.

    14. A computer may be programmed to act as a human, but will not be able to fully function like one.

    15. MakeoutClub is a thing of the past, that had no glory days. ( However after looking it up I believe they did. )

    16. MakeoutClub hosted all the weirdos, the punks, emo kids and etc.

    17. These kids weren’t alone.

    18. Makeoutclub was there for those who felt trapped in small towns.

    19. Hooking up in Makeoutclub was very organic unlike other sites.

    20. Meeting people on Makeoutclub was very different from meeting people on Facebook.

    21. Being anonymous online can wreak havoc.

    22. Rash decisions can lead to beautiful outcomes.

    23. The power of connection is so strong. Imagine meeting your wife on their internet and going strong for years.

    24. Licklider’s dream wasn’t impossible or juvenile but in fact very wise.

    25. Online friendships brought into real life as just as valid as real life friendships.

    26.  Makeoutclub isn’t dead.

    27. A picture is worth a thousand words.

    28. Vulcan hair cuts needed to be let go from the start.

  13. Chen starts of speaking of how the internet is no much different today then it was in 2016 and how he met a close friend through the internet
    His meeting and bond with his best friend
    There is still a stigma about meeting people online
    Cat fishing and its problem and where it originates
    Explaining how “cat fishing” the show works
    Further explaining how someone was caught catfishing someone from the show
    Shows how people purposely ignore the signs that are clear to them. also how people who do the cat fishing are “deranged” and look for entertainment
    Cat fishing is a mix of old fears and new anxieties that questions the authenticity of online friendships
    Computers scientist JCR Licklider believed that the internet was a place people could come together and would lead to truer bonds that real world relationships
    Social media and the internet keep people from building real relationships
     Facebook makes people feel lonely and the creator seeing it through the eyes of a programmer rather then a ” college student”
    Anonymity is a big factor on why people are able to catfish
    Computers area a small part of ourselves the portion devoted to logic, order, rule, and clarity.
    Introducing earlier social media before Facebook and Myspace
    First social network “makeoutclub”
    Makeoutclub made for a distinct group of lonely people looking to find others like themE
    Excerpt from Andy Greenwald book
    Great place for hookups but not what it was made for
    How Austin was able to meet someone proving how meeting people online can work sometimes
    Real online friendships are present you just have to actively look for it
    Austins story on how he met a women through social media because he made a decision that is he met a girl with an eye patch he would marry her
    Austin eventually came in contact with her again and in person and eventually married here
    There are still social medias that allow people to make friendships that aren’t exclusive to the internet
    As much bullshit there is on the internet you can always find someone else to bullshit with
    Makeoutclub still exist and gives the author a nostalgic feeling for the early days of social networking
    Makeoutclub forum

    The main idea of the essay “Don’t Be A Stranger”explains how social medias is altering the social aspect of societal rules and how the internet in the 2000s is not much different. But still had some changes made like the way people perceived meeting people in real life rather than just strictly having communication through the internet.The author explains the awkwardness that occurs during his social interactions when he mentions meeting someone from the internet. 

    1. 1)Chen starts of speaking of how the internet is no much different today then it was in 2016 and how he met a close friend through the internet2)His meeting and bond with his best friend3)There is still a stigma about meeting people online4)Cat fishing and its problem and where it originates5)Explaining how “cat fishing” the show works6)Further explaining how someone was caught catfishing someone from the show7)Shows how people purposely ignore the signs that are clear to them. also how people who do the cat fishing are “deranged” and look for entertainment8)Cat fishing is a mix of old fears and new anxieties that questions the authenticity of online friendships9)Computers scientist JCR Licklider believed that the internet was a place people could come together and would lead to truer bonds that real world relationships10)Social media and the internet keep people from building real relationships11)Facebook makes people feel lonely and the creator seeing it through the eyes of a programmer rather then a ” college student”12)Anonymity is a big factor on why people are able to catfish13)Computers area a small part of ourselves the portion devoted to logic, order, rule, and clarity.14)Introducing earlier social media before Facebook and Myspace15)First social network “makeoutclub”16)Makeoutclub made for a distinct group of lonely people looking to find others like themE17)Excerpt from Andy Greenwald book18)Great place for hookups but not what it was made for19)How Austin was able to meet someone proving how meeting people online can work sometimes20)Real online friendships are present you just have to actively look for it21)Austins story on how he met a women through social media because he made a decision that is he met a girl with an eye patch he would marry her22)Austin eventually came in contact with her again and in person and eventually married here23)There are still social medias that allow people to make friendships that aren’t exclusive to the internet24)As much bullshit there is on the internet you can always find someone else to bullshit with25)Makeoutclub still exist and gives the author a nostalgic feeling for the early days of social networking26)Makeoutclub forum
      The main idea of the essay “Don’t Be A Stranger”explains how social medias is altering the social aspect of societal rules and how the internet in the 2000s is not much different. But still had some changes made like the way people perceived meeting people in real life rather than just strictly having communication through the internet.The author explains the awkwardness that occurs during his social interactions when he mentions meeting someone from the internet.

      1. 1)Chen starts of speaking of how the internet is no much different today then it was in 2016 and how he met a close friend through the internet

        2)His meeting and bond with his best friend

        3)There is still a stigma about meeting people online

        4)Cat fishing and its problem and where it originates

        5)Explaining how “cat fishing” the show works

        6)Further explaining how someone was caught catfishing someone from the show

        7)Shows how people purposely ignore the signs that are clear to them. also how people who do the cat fishing are “deranged” and look for entertainment

        8)Cat fishing is a mix of old fears and new anxieties that questions the authenticity of online friendships

        9)Computers scientist JCR Licklider believed that the internet was a place people could come together and would lead to truer bonds that real world relationships

        10)Social media and the internet keep people from building real relationships

        11)Facebook makes people feel lonely and the creator seeing it through the eyes of a programmer rather then a ” college student”

        12)Anonymity is a big factor on why people are able to catfish

        13)Computers area a small part of ourselves the portion devoted to logic, order, rule, and clarity.

        14)Introducing earlier social media before Facebook and Myspace

        15)First social network “makeoutclub”

        16)Makeoutclub made for a distinct group of lonely people looking to find others like themE

        17)Excerpt from Andy Greenwald book

        18)Great place for hookups but not what it was made for

        19)How Austin was able to meet someone proving how meeting people online can work sometimes

        20)Real online friendships are present you just have to actively look for it

        21)Austins story on how he met a women through social media because he made a decision that is he met a girl with an eye patch he would marry her

        22)Austin eventually came in contact with her again and in person and eventually married here

        23)There are still social medias that allow people to make friendships that aren’t exclusive to the internet

        24)As much bullshit there is on the internet you can always find someone else to bullshit with

        25)Makeoutclub still exist and gives the author a nostalgic feeling for the early days of social networking

        26)Makeoutclub forum

  14. The main idea of each paragraph

    Comparing how the internet and technology were in back 2006 and how the internet is faster now and how business was slow and small back in 2006.

    Chen meets his best friend Austin through Urban Honking.

    How the internet helps people interact nowadays and how people meet.

    How the internet can fool people by catfishing

    Social Media are allowing strangers to connect with each other to form relationships but catfishing still a thing until you meet in person.

    How someone gets caught catfishing someone else from the catfish show

    Show how catfishing can emotionally effect a person

    Internet is a form of communication

    The positives and negatives of being online communication

    Comparing  Licklider and Facebook

    Is social media making us feel lonely?

    Difference between people and technology

    values of friendships

    Internet not fulfilling friendship


    Makeoutclub came out way before facebook

    Shows how people realize they are not alone feeling lonely

    Buy things online and feel fit in within the trend

    How hooking up in Makeoutclub

         20. Austin meets his wife Dana on the internet
         21. Being anonymous online
         22. What can happen in an online relationship
         23. Austin and Dana have been married for over eight years because of the internet.
        24.How Facebook and other sites build relationships online
         25. How making friends online may not work as well now
         26. Makeoutclub still exist and people are still on it
    The essay “Don’t be a Stranger” is about how the internet was back in 2006 and how it is now. Online dating went off when Makeoutclub came out then it slowly kind of went to other social media like Facebook etc. Makeoutclub was is how catfish became popular and then it went to Facebook. Compared to Makeoutclub, Facebook is much safer now because Facebook deletes a lot of fake accounts and it can be more reliable to use Facebook rather than Makeoutclub.

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