HW for Mon 4/15

Reading & Research: Finish reading Imp Kerr’s “Feasts Under the Bridge.”  With your Essay 2 group, find one more article you will look for quotes on your Essay 2 word in.  Arrive in class next week prepared to discuss quotes from this article.


  1. In Imp Kerr’s “Feasts Under the Bridge,” find and quote one sentence where Imp Kerr uses the word “troll” (or “trolling” or some other variant of this word) in a way that gives you a new understanding of this term.  Introduce this quotation, paraphrase it in your own words, and explain how it gives you a new way of understanding what “trolling” is.
  2. Copy and paste into your response below an old blog post you wrote as well as feedback on it that you received.  Below it, write a revised version of this blog post using the suggestions in the feedback.

12 thoughts on “HW for Mon 4/15”

  1. As Imp Kerr has noted, “Doxxing. A troll will essentially hack or use cunning to extract personal information, including where a target may live, who their spouse or children are, their telephone and email addresses, their workplace, how many nudes they have of themselves, etc, and may distribute this sensitive information in another location particularly for public shaming” (Page 64). The word troll makes me more understand that it’s not only about making other people angry, it’s more about hacking into other people information and private stuff.

    1. Andy, good start with #1.  I assume you’re still working on #2 and will add to this later?

      One thing to keep in mind is whether your quote flows naturally out of the sentence you use to introduce it.  Here, I get confused by the transition from your introductory phrase and the beginning of the quote:

      As Imp Kerr has noted, “Doxxing. A troll will essentially hack or use

      It doesn’t quite make sense to do this because “Doxxing” is the title of a section in Kerr’s article rather than a sentence in its own right.  You could do something like this instead:

      In her article, “Feasts Under the Bridge,” Imp Kerr discusses “doxxing.”  This is when “A troll will essentially hack or use cunning…”

      Do you see how this way of introducing the different parts of this quote make a bit more sense?  Try out this edit and see what you think.

      1. Redo:

        1.) In her article, “Feasts Under the Bridge,” Imp Kerr discusses “doxxing”. A troll will essentially hack or use cunning to extract personal information, including where a target may live, who their spouse or children are, their telephone and email addresses, their workplace, how many nudes they have of themselves, etc, and may distribute this sensitive information in another location particularly for public shaming” (Page 64). The word troll makes me more understand that it’s not only about making other people angry, it’s more about hacking into other people information and private stuff.

        2.) Old feed back:
        Andy, hi!
        I think you’re onto something when you refer to “normcore” being a trend oriented toward “basic colors” and “simple clothes.”  Can you be a bit more specific in your discussion of “surveillant anxiety”?  Take another look at Crawford’s essay and work on this: according to her, who suffers from “surveillant anxiety” and why?
        My respond:
        To in depth “surveillant anxiety” means that people who has anxiety and it affects their daily lifestyle. Crawford is saying people who have surveillant anxiety is suffering from this problem. People who has surveillant anxiety feel this way because feeling insecure about themselves, hopeless, and have social separation. As Kate Crawford has noted, “We Are All Very Anxious” argue that anxiety is the dominant affect of our current phase of capitalism, engendering political hopelessness, insecurity, and social separation” page 47 (2/9).


  2. Thought out the passage by Imp Kerr’s tilted “Feasts Under the Bridge” I notice that Kerr has many different meanings for the word troll and or trolling. I was thought a people you was being a troll or trolling on the worldwide web was just a miserable people who like taking away joy or happy with really mean comments or pretty much doing the utmost to bully a person. Kerr say a form of trolling is “Doxxing a troll will essentially hack or use cunning to extract personal information…and may distribute this sensitive information in another location particularly for public shaming”(Kerr pg64) meaning that a troll will find ways of getting your personal, inmate or anything of embarrassing information most likely through hacking and threat to share their finds with whom ever so they can embarrass the person their troll publicly. In this section I got a better understand there is a specific word for this type of troll and that its not the same as blackmailing.


    The word Normcore means the understanding that there is no such thing as normal and harnessing the potential for connection with the freedom to be with anyone as well as benefiting from the possibility of the misinterpretation as an opportunity for connection in a non-threat to your authenticity. (K-Hole pg40-41). The word Surveillant Anxiety means the fear that all the data we are shedding every day is too revealing of our intimate selves but may also misrepresent us with and expectation emotion, and the expectation in generally of risk, exposure, and failure according to Kate Crawford. I think that Crawford discusses Normcore they both had the connection to the consumers and the mass consumerism of society.


    Mindy, thanks for this.

    As with Mazharul (above), I’m going to suggest you quote and paraphrase (explain in your own words) certain quotations you are using in your explanation of these terms, for instance:


    “there is no such thing as normal”


    “harnessing the possibility for connection”


    “the freedom to be with anyone.”


    Can you slow down, quote, and explain each of these phrases.  I’ll start you off with one of them.


    K-Hole remarks that “normcore” involves believing that “there is no such thing as normal” (K-Hole (28).  This is because __________

    K-Hole remarks that “normcore” involves believing that “there is no such thing as normal” (K-Hole (28).  This is because being normal means you just blend into the coward and dot stand out an normcore is tell people that its okay not to blend in and just be your because there is no such thing as normality. With the fact that one being themselves they will be able to “harnessing the possibility for connection”(K-Hole pg28) in other words by being your true selves you are bond to find those who have the likes you do therefore making connection base on common interests, therefore having the ability and  “freedom to be with anyone” (K-Hole pg28)as in the terms of normcore.

    Also, how is the article you posted connected to your Essay 2 word?

    My essay two word is challenges and the way it connected to this article by the  challenging behaviors and the extreme lengths women are going through to the perfect Instagram body so they can get that perfect selfie an be come insta-famous.





  3. Nicely done, Mindy.  I’m just going to focus on the way you transition out of your quotation from Kerr’s article:

    Kerr say [<– conjugate this verb correctly!] a form of trolling is “Doxxing.”  [Doxing is when] “a troll will essentially hack or use cunning to extract personal information…and may distribute this sensitive information in another location particularly for public shaming”[space here](Kerr pg64)[period] [Kerr suggests here that a troll…]

    Try out those edits and see what you think. 

  4. 1) In her article “Feasts Under The Bridge”, Kerr discusses “doxxing.” This is when “A troll will essentially hack or use cunning to extract personal information…..and may distribute this sensitive information in another location particularly for public shaming.”(Kerr,64). When I hear the word “trolling” I think of someone who start arguments with people on the internet about various topics. In my opinion I think of “trolling” as a way of harassment just on the internet for their own personal reasons or just because they want to.

    2) K-Hole claims that “normcore” as “making one choice today and a conflicting choice tomorrow doesn’t make you a hypocrite”(Hole, 34). For example, buying a new outfit one day and the next buying another outfit, even though we have 2 different outfits it doesn’t stop us from alternating between the two. Normore refers to the ideas that people even though they are different they may all share the same qualities or interests. Social media in a way is an example of a normcore because even though everyone is different, we all use the same social media platforms to interact with other people all over. Surveillant anxiety according to Kate Crawford, shows the fear or worry that a person’s personal information can disclose them as well as creating misrepresentations of ourselves. The connection that Kate Crawford is making between data anxiety and “normcore” in her text “The Anxieties Of Big Data” is that normcore is “an indication of how the cultural idea of disappearing has become cool.” In other words, Crawford believes that we often to “disappear” or “blend in” even when we know that we are being watched. I believe people try to blend in whether it is through the internet or what we see others doing in reality, we still sometimes have that fear of being watched by other people which causes us to be cautious of what we do or put online.

    Reading Imp Kerr’s “Feasts Under  The Bridge” gave a different understanding of what the meaning of “trolling” is. In my opinion , I viewed trolling as someone wanting to disturb someone else with rude and unnecessary comments just to want to bring someone down. Imp Kerr noted , “Doxxing. A troll will essentially hack or use cunning to extract personal information including where a target may live, who their spouse or children are, their telephone and email addresses, their workplace, how many nudes they have of themselves, etc and may distribute this sensitive information in another location particularly for public shaming. We distinguish this from blackmail, because in doxxing , there is nothing to be bargained for/no way out.”This quote from the text gives a visual representation of what trolling leads to. It is an invasion of privacy. As well as online harassment.  

  6. In the article, “Feasts Under the Bridge, Kerr introduces the term trolling to describe a change in online society. Instead of living underneath a bridge, these trolls inhabit the depths of the internet. Kerr proposes a question to his readers, “Is it possible that trolling can be seen as a contemporary extension of this desire to “shock the bourgeoisie?” ( page 59) Trolling is an attempt to displease, confuse and irritate the upper class citizens. However, I disagree that only upper class citizens are affected by the trolling phenomenon. Before this article swayed my view a troll was just an individual or group of individuals who thrived off of sarcasm. Kerr grants them a bigger role in the cyber mania.
    1) The word normcore first striked me as a person who is fairly normal. Through the use of K-Hole’s article Youth Mode it has a new meaning. It’s people who identity with each other and have the ability to celebrate similarities between each other. Surveillance anxiety is quite the opposite. It refers to people who are paranoid that all the information they are realeasing into the internet is way too “revealing” ( Crawford, 46). Crawford further this point by discussing the term normcore. It’s becoming a trend to send information into the web that is fairly personal. It’s a way many connect with others. It’s promotes the idea of normcore, allowing those to shamelessly connect.
    The first several sentences of this post are *wonderful* and convey a nuanced understanding of K-Hole’s definition of “normcore” as well as Crawford’s notion of “surveillant anxiety.”  For the connection between the two ideas according to Kate Crawford, I’d like you to look again at her text. According to Crawford, what might the connection between a culture-wide anxiety about being watched and a widespread cultural trend of wanting to blend in (“normcore”) be?  Can you articulate this connection in your own words?
    New and improved:
    1) The word normcore first striked me as a person who is fairly normal. Through the use of K-Hole’s article Youth Mode it has a new meaning. It’s people who identity with each other and have the ability to celebrate similarities between each other. Surveillance anxiety is quite the opposite. It refers to people who are paranoid that all the information they are releasing into the internet is way too “revealing” ( Crawford, 46). So some are concerned with the way their internet personas are being reflected and monitored. Many escape the misrepresentation by fading into the background. The idea of normcore peeks through here. Being able to blend in on the internet erases that anxiety lurking in the corner.

  7. In the article, “FEASTS UNDER THE BRIDGE”, kerr describe trolling as “a destructive way of addressing the ambivalent state of being that is life online, that is, being connected to millions and even billions of people simultaneously, but being incredibly isolated”(page 61). I agree with kerr that, trolling is an art form, because it is skillfully written and carried out. It is a deliberate act to deviate from the truth. I think a troll is an internet slang, it refers to a person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the internet to distract and sow discord by posting inflammatory and digressive, extraneous, or off -topic, messages in online community (such as a newsgroup, chatroom or blog) with the internet of provoking readers into displaying…..

    Deceptive people who mislead people online deliberately do so very skillfully and they often sit back and admire their work of art. It takes a lot of preparation and wit to mislead millions of people online. ” As Picasso once said, The impulse to destroy is also a creative one” .(page 61)

  8. In the article, “FEASTS UNDER THE BRIDGE”, kerr describe trolling as “a destructive way of addressing the ambivalent state of being that is life online, that is, being connected to millions and even billions of people simultaneously, but being incredibly isolated”(page 61). I agree with kerr that, trolling is an art form, because it is skillfully written and carried out. It is a deliberate act to deviate from the truth. Troll is an internet slang, A person whose sole purpose in life is to seek out people to argue with on the internet over extremely trivial issues. Such arguments can happen on blogs, Facebook, Myspace and a host of others social media sites.

  9. In the article “Feasts Under The Bridge”, Kerr discusses  “Doxxing”, “A troll will essentially hack or use cunning to extract personal information including where a target may live, who their spouse or children are, their telephone and email addresses, their workplace, how many nudes they have of themselves, etc and may distribute this sensitive information in another location particularly for public shaming”.(Pg.64) The quote explains troll is not just a joke as I use to think it was but it’s rather a dangerous and invading someone’s privacy.

       2.  Normcore means a style of dressing that involves the deliberate choice of unremarkable or unfashionable casual clothes. Normcore is the type of people that really don’t care about what they wear but as long as they wear something. Surveillant anxiety meaning is the anxiety of those surveilled is deeply connected to the anxiety of the surveillers. In the anxiety and Normcore goes with each other because for both of these ideas it shows that humans should find themselves and do what they want. As K-Hole said “Seeking the freedom that comes with nonexclusivity”. Crawford discusses “Normcore” on page 48 about how we humans can be ourselves and don’t have to go along what people are going with.
    Feedback: Mazharul,
    Nice start.  You’ve pulled some language from both of the articles into your explanation of these key terms.  When you do that, you need to use quotation marks and then explain the quote in your own words. Otherwise, you’re pretty much plagiarizing (copying and using someone else’s words as your own).  So, for instance, I know this passage is from Crawford’s article:
    “the anxiety of those surveilled is deeply connected to the anxiety of the surveillers.”
    Please quote and paraphrase it in your own words.
    Also, please take another look at Crawford’s article and explain more clearly how she is connecting the idea of “normcore” to “surveillant anxiety.”
    Redo:   Normcore means a style of dressing that involves the deliberate choice of unremarkable or unfashionable casual clothes. Normcore is the type of people that really don’t care about what they wear but as long as they wear something. Surveillant anxiety meaning is “the anxiety of those surveilled is deeply connected to the anxiety of the surveillers”. In the anxiety and Normcore goes with each other because both of these ideas it shows that humans should find themselves and do what they want. As K-Hole said “Seeking the freedom that comes with nonexclusivity”. Crawford discusses “Normcore” on page 48 about how we humans can be ourselves and don’t have to go along with what people are going with. Crawford is connecting normcore to surveillant anxiety by showing how they both relate by not having to show off or being afraid to show of surveillant anxiety side.

  10. Troll can are not just making fun with friend. When different level of troll happen it can be a real issue that can be lose of wealth, lost of info and more important personal health.

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