HW for Wed (2/27)

Hi all,
An update on the assignment for Wednesday.  Several things…
Please remember to bring 2 print copies of Essay 1 to class.  In addition, please submit your draft online as a Google Doc.
Lastly, please complete a brief blog post on the film, following the prompt below.
Watch Kriegman and Steinberg’s Weiner (2016).  ( <– This is a download link that will only work for 7 days; the film can be streamed—for a fee—here.)  Make notes during the film and, at the end, write a paragraph about something in it that connects to something you’re writing about in your Essay 1.
On Wed, I will continue checking in with students wanting help with essays or other work assigned this semester.

19 thoughts on “HW for Wed (2/27)”

  1. Kriegman and Steinberg’s Weiner (2016)

     In the documentary Kriegman and Steinberg’s Weiner (2016), “Pineapple” was getting a sense of satisfaction from making Anthony Weiner’s personal life and campaign life hell all because of a private conversation that both participated in. Even though Anthony was wrong for sexting “Pineapple” while married and being a congressman knowing it can cause a scandal and hurt his career.  There’s some type of blame you have to also place on Pineapple for further seeking attention from other public outlets to shame this man for what he does in his private life. Needing or wanting companionship is a natural human instinct, but to go out of your way to ruin somebody else livelihood because they are not who you thought they were is just miserable and says a lot about who you are

    1. Hi Syeeda,

      This is an interesting thought about Sidney Leathers’ complicity in her relationship with Weiner—and the satisfaction you claim she gained from exposing their scandal and shaming him.  Can you say more about why you think she may have wanted to do this?  Also, I’m wondering if there is a connection to your Essay 1 lurking somewhere in your response to the film. 🙂


      1. In Adrian Chen’s Don’t Be a Stranger connects with Essay 1 because it’s about the connections and communities of the internet. How it can be helpful, rewarding, and fulfilling, but also distasteful and harming. In many cases, while one person is being satisfied with the communication, it’s also hurting the other because it’s not enough! The film about Anthony Weiner shows exactly how something that was satisfying to Weiner was distasteful to Sidney Leathers, but also harmful to Anothony’snthen wife Huma.

  2. The movie we watched on Monday shows how powerful is internet now. It can make you big from being nothing and destroy you in a minutes. This congressman is the best example how one stupid tweet could ruin everything you worked on your whole life. I am not trying to defend Andrew, he is guilty for having an affairs while married, but it seems he did a good job as a congressman. The only thing I think he was guilty of is what he went prison for which is having an affair with minor girl. An Internet and social media are really good inventions but we need to be very careful.

    1. Jane,hi.  I think you’re right about the powerful impact the internet can have, especially when a story (like the Weiner sexting scandal) goes viral: the documentary shows how one wrong move online can ruin a politician’s career.  Well, on second thought, I guess it was really more than one wrong move that Weiner made online—which begs the question of why we think he was compelled to repeat his mistake over and over again.  Do you have thoughts on this?  Also, is there a connection to be made here to your Essay 2?

    2. Hey Jane,

      I totally agree with you the internet is a place that can make you or break you instantly. As well I agree that even though the internet is a good platform it is actually a very dangerous one as well. One wrong mistake and it can cost you up to your life. We post a lot on social media not knowing who’s going to see it and if it is going to hurt us in any way.

  3. In this documentary Kriegman and Steinberg’s Weiner (2016), it talks about how pineapple was sextexting with someone while he was still married and was a congressman. Pineapple also was feeling some type of way in wanting some affection from sexting. This problem will cause Pineapple to get his congressman seated being taken away and causing a lot of drama. For example, Bill Colton cheated on his wife (Hillary Colton) with his assistant, and this cause a lot of rumors and problems in his career. This documentary connects to our essay by how sexting could also be defined as a selfie because once you send something inappropriate on the internet, you will never delete afterward because other people might have saved it. In my opinion, people should never trust online people that easily, make sure to do more research of what is cat-fishing, so you know if that person you talking to isn’t trying to be a target on you.

    1. Hey Andy,
      I also referred to Sidney Leathers as Pineapple in my first response. I felt as if she didn’t deserve to be called by her name because of the type of attention she started seeking when the sexting scandal went public. Even though Bill Clinton’s cheating scandal with Monica Lewinsky didn’t end up with him losing his presidency seat, it gave Monica 15 minutes of fame. Once the public finds out about it, no one forgets about it. To where we can use those incidents to reference to public figures cheating, how married men cheat, how female assistants can end up screwing their boss, and how texting turns into sexting so on and so forth. I also agree with you about once something is posted on the internet, no matter if you delete it or not, you never know who was able to screenshot it before you removed it. And even if you think you removed, nothing ever gets deleted from the internet and can end up harming you in the future no matter who you are. Like The Shade Room Instagram profile, idk who runs it or owns that blog, but they catch all the post and deletes made by entertainers.


  4. Kreigman and Steinberg’s Weiner (2016)

    In this documentary, it shows how the internet can sometimes can ruin a person’s life. Social media like Twitter for example, people take what people say about them seriously and as a result it causes them to feel insecure about themselves in reality. People uses social media to try to escape reality but it can backfire. In the documentary, one tweet just one tweet ruined his whole life and his chances for running for mayor. Even some celebrities who have sex tapes that are leaked on the internet are looked differently in person. Another example is people who would tweet about someone and then next thing you know that person commits suicide because they are either ashamed or guilty in this scenario with Andrew feeling guilty of being apart of a sex scandal. Who you are in reality is different from how people view you online and we shouldn’t let the internet destroy our lives.

    1. I agree with statement that the internet can ruin a person’s life. Also how people find social media as a form to escape from the reality of their lives. As well as the fact that people need to be careful when posting things on a social network because it can potentially backfire an destroy your career or life.

  5. Kriegman and Steinberg’s Weiner (2016)

    One thing briefly mentioned in the documentary was questioning whether Anthony Weiner had an addiction. As he was sitting in a circle with his staff members, someone asked if he had an addiction and he did not have a straight answer for them. Similarly, I feel as though I’m stuck in a situation where I am addicted to caring about my privacy, even when it seems inconsequential at this point. I don’t have the citation to back up this claim, but apparently, in a place like New York City, you’re never outside of the range of a camera for more than 6 minutes. It could be said that no one likes to admit that they have an addiction, and having an addiction is actually what leads people to do stupid things. For Anthony Weiner, his continued sexting led to his conviction and imprisonment, and for me, it led me to being irrationally upset over a coincidence.

  6. In watching the Anthony Weiner documentary it illustrated how the era of social media and selfies can ruin a person life and or career. When looking at social media there are three popular types of selfies which are taking selfies with expensive thing, selfies of one’s life style and selfies of one’s body. I found that this documentary connected to my essay is with the type of selfie that Weiner decided to take which was a selfies of his body. Even though Weiner seemed the better candidate his body selfies an how fast things spreads on social network and social media antics had over shadowed his political campaign and achievement  which undeniable ended his career.

  7. In the documentary Kriegman and Steinberg’s Weiner (2016), the film shows how Weiner runs for mayor in 2013 after an embarrassing leak that occurred in 2011 in regardings of his sexting scandal. The scandal involved social media where a picture of his genitals were published.  The documentary showed how weiners life was falling apart losing respect not only from the fellow politicians but from his wife also. The scandal had cost Weiner a position towards a seat of being a part of the Congress. The way the film connects to my essay is that both Weiner and I went through a part of our lives where everything was over. Weiner was a person who is determined even after going through such tragic moments he had not given up what he wanted. The way that relates to my essay is because I was determined what I wanted in life and I didn’t give up. Even though our mistakes were not the same we both tried to prove ourselves wrong.

  8. In movie Kriegman and Steinberg’s Weiner (2016) shows how crazy social media is. On Twitter, anyone can express themselves and it can backfire on them just because the society may not accept it. It’s crazy how just one tweet can cost you from being a mayor. Lot of things a person may say and really hurt their carrier and respect in real life. The movie and my essay are completely opposite but in the same category, because in my essay I talk about making money and getting a carrier off social media but in the docutomantry, it shows how social media can destroy you.

  9.  In the documentary Kriegman and Steinberg’s Weiner (2016), Anthony Weiner never met Sydney Leathers in person, yet he sent her naked pictures online. For someone who had something good going for himself, he did not think that his past would have caught up with him, again. After Weiner’s first scandal, you’d think he’d put an end to his unprofessional actions, but he did not. I feel bad for his wife and his one year old son who had to go through this not once, but twice. It is unfair to his wife, who’s been nothing but loyal to him. Which leads me into my next point, the media will twist and turn anything to either upgrade or degrade a person. After Weiner’s wife, Huma said publicly that she still loved him and will stick by his side regardless of the allegations, yet the media analyzed her body language and still concluded that she’s suffering from all the turmoil . The media scrutinized the whole scandal, they even aired Weiner’s xxx pics for the public to see which is not okay. Weiner, a politician running for mayor,  should have thought twice before creating a profile on “The dirty.com” under the screen name  “Carlos Danger”  and sharing nude oics with strangers. In my essay I discussed  how sharing certain things online can ruin your credibility as a person, &  Anthony Weiner definitely ruined his credibility by doing what he did, not once, but twice. He did not deserve the title of Mayor Of NYC.

  10. This documentary shows Anthony Weiner and his comeback after he is exposed through social media doing something in an unprofessional manner. Throughout the documentary the situation worsens and he is degraded more and more from his other working politicians and well as his own wife. It is crazy to see how someone can carry themselves on social media without being scared of the reprecautions of it, especially as politician with an ongoing campaign such as Weiner. It is easier to be something online rather than in person, in person he tried to carry himself as this professional person while online he was completely different and sexually involving himself not one but more times with young woman. This later ruins his reputations. This connects to what I am writing in my first essay in a way where I talk about how social media is such a strong platform it could be used to promote things to raise awareness in things that need to be seen and heard, however a lot of the times we misuse it and make it pointless. Andrew Weiner as a political could have utilized his online platform to help him be more successful however unfortunately he misused it and ruined his whole career.

  11. In this documentary Kriegman and Steinberg’s Weiner (2016), it shows how easily the internet can can ruin a person’s life regardless of their social standing.Throughout the doc weiner was trying to make a comeback into politics by running for mayor of nyc after his sexting scandal in 2011 that hurt his chances in making it to congress. However it was evident that Weiner did not learn from his mistakes and during his mayoral campaign another sexting scandal came up again, and it was apparent that it happened after the intial accusation date.it goes to show how weiners life fell apart because he wanted to indulge in sexual fetishes on the internet,unfortunately losing the respect from not only his supporters but from his wife. 

  12. The documentary Kriegman and Steinberg’s Weiner(2016) shows how the internet is a big influence, it can ruin peoples life in seconds like it did to Weiner’s life one post and it’s over. It also shows that he did not learn from his mistake because after his first scandal he continued talking to the girls. I can compare this to what I wrote for my essay #1. I can compare myself to his wife because she stood by Weiner’s side after she found out his first scandal and then found out more things. When I found out Junior cheated on me I stayed with him because I thought that he would change but only to find out more things about him within the years.

  13. The documentary Kriegman and Steinberg’s Weiner(2016) shows how the internet is a big influence, it can ruin peoples life in seconds like it did to Weiner’s life one post and it’s over. It also shows that he did not learn from his mistake because after his first scandal he continued talking to the girls. I can compare this to what I wrote for my essay #1. I can compare myself to his wife because she stood by Weiner’s side after she found out his first scandal and then found out more things. When I found out Junior cheated on me I stayed with him because I thought that he would change but only to find out more things about him within the years.

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