Fall 2017 | COMD1100_LC08 | Prof. Spevack

Author: shawnf01 (Page 2 of 4)

project 3: phase 4




project 3: phase 3

I failed at doing Photoshop with the head shots we took. I believe something detailed as that would need full focus and hopefully outside of this class when I complete it, you all would love to see if; when I post it. However I have this amazing painting for you from my lowkey picture. I tried to make it as detailed as possible but abstract at the same time.

hours spent// 48 hours, with the painting I wanted everything to look right so I spent as  much time painting as possible.


project 3: phase 2

As we all know we all had the chance to be models in class while taking these pictures. The purpose at hand was to isolate a highkey/lowkey and a board picture. However receiving the print outs some of the pictures looked the same to me. Although that was the case instead of separating the two and posting  different pictures. I was able to find one image that showed a great example of lowkey and board.

project 3: phase 1

This mannequin was located in the back area of the classroom. I figured with it’s slightly dark outer shell I could make it low key by adding a filter on it. This being said I used a ‘Noir’ filter changing the color shift adding more of a shade to the the object at hand.

This picture would have more of a high key point of view. Besides from the dark layer that’s on the surface of the image, it holds color. The color of white allows there to be a shift of balance between highkey and lowkey

Sound Visualizations: Phase 4

I found this project interesting and exciting at the same time. The fact that I did animation was just the best part of the project, doing a different part of graphics that’s beyond drawing makes my learning experience better. I feel as I did my project somewhat simple. Due to the time frame and because I didn’t know that much about animation. Well on the aspect of moving designs, that being said I tried to make the best out of a small work piece; which I am proud of. As for my next project I hope to expand on the work piece more so I can add more detailed into whatever I’m doing.

Phase 1


Phase 2


phase 3


field trip to beric

Stefanie Apple
Portrait of K.T Perris, 2017
Digital photographer printed on Fujicolor Crystal archive paper

I feel as this picture speaks for itself. It shows a artist in the confines of his work. This somewhat reminds me of me in the early phases of working on my craft. I would come home with clothes all over the floor with 30mins of sleep, sometimes it was no sleep.

Sound Visualizations: Phase 3

My animation was just directed work towards the project at hand. I had a little fun moving different aspects of it around. However I put the best of my knowledge into this work. I spent a few hours on the aspect of fading in and out. However  most of my time on this project was directed towards copying and pasting the images on onto different layers.


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