Fall 2017 | COMD1100_LC08 | Prof. Spevack

Author: Mike (Page 3 of 3)

Sound Visualizations: Phase 1

It’s Frank Ocean high pitch voice, constructive lyricism, and unique production that makes it so simple to draw his sound on paper. His voice is what makes my lines so crisp yet so organic, the hidden hi hats and extreme bassline is what gives me the devotion to express my detail. Behind all those drums we have a melody that can lift your spirits yet calm you down, causing my lines to be so organic.

All in all I chose Frank Ocean not only for this song because I could’ve chose any song by him and gotten the same outcome. Because he provides the same feeling and emotion throughout all his songs. And that’s why I chose Nikes by Frank Ocean


Urban Artifacts: Phase 4

This project has helped me learn new levels of obvious and ambiguous figure/ground relationships, it has also taught me how to properly structure a project, from pictures to sketches to final presentation. Developing this project into four phases helped me perfect my final sketch into what I truly wanted it to be, by practicing my sketches in my thumbnail while perfecting my mistakes as I go.

Even though a good a majority of this project was a challenge, it will help me for my future projects and so on. It was hard taking a sketched thumbnail and reforming it into my final draft when I first started to outline. Next time I’ll make more than one rough draft before starting my final draft. Dealing with obvious and figure ground relationships also helped me discover new methods for arranging my composition.

After completing this project I have learned new principles and techniques to use for my next project.  I’ve also learned to handle my time wisely with my compositions by making rough drafts to fix mistakes and to scale my drawings to make sure my final composition is a flawless as possible.

Phase 1: Discover

Phase 2: Define

Phase 3: Develop


Urban Artifacts: Phase 3

On my 2nd phase of the project, I chose 2 sketches that resembled my theme the most. My theme; “Define rubbish and today’s society”. I felt that the ambiguous sidewalk represented today’s society best because, nobody cares about a sidewalk and that’s why you see gum all over it. But then you realize that sidewalks are one of the most important road constructions in today’s “Society”. And for the trashed “Coke” cup. It shows all of the rubbish you see on the street in today’s “Society”.


Urban Artifacts: Phase 1

During the walk of Urban Artifacts walk around the college building, I composed 6 photos of artifacts that define rubbish, and today’s society. My first 3 ambiguous compositions consisted of a danger sign that says no smoking, the united states postal service logo, and a destroyed wall with a sign that says “30 cu. yd.” and spray paint all over it. All 3 photos represent a subtle viewpoint on how we take our world for granite. My last 3 obvious photos consisted of a trashed cup of coke, a hole in a brick wall, and a cigarette bud on the floor. These photos represent how we treat today’s society.

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