Okay, so I watched the video of Anoka Faruqee’s presentation. Faruqee said Albers wanted his students to see colors in context, as in, compared to one another, because that’s how we see things; there’s no natural range of colors mapped out on a grid—we see them compared to each other in layers or side by side. THIS IS AWESOME!! It’s a great way to really SHOW differences in shades of colors, especially since a shade of any hue would look completely different in someone else’s eyes. I appreciate Albers for teaching in this manner. I get to see even MORE colors. I’m pretty sure I said ‘whoa’ more than 5 times throughout the video, when Faruqee presented the studies of Albers’ students’ works and revealed that the shapes that were meant to look different were actually the same. The conversion of Albers’ guidebook into an app is ingenious.