Fall 2017 | COMD1100_LC08 | Prof. Spevack

Field Trip to Brooklyn Museum

In 1930, Sergei Eisenstein, pioneering filmmaker, released a 20 minute black and white montage film titled Romance Sentimentale (Sentimental Romance). Like the some of his other work, Eisenstein made this with original 35mm film and empathetic intent.

Total eclipse of the Heart


The piece below , After Vice Comes Fornication (1813-1820), was created by romantic painter and print maker,  José de Goya y Lucientes with use etching and aquatint.

Devil’s test

Similarities :

1. Looks of hopelessness and fear

2. Low-key range of value

3. clear focal points

Differences :

  1. Goya’s work was printed while Eisenstein’s was filmed.

2.  Goya’s setting is on the battle field while Eisenstein has a more romantic, “sentimental” setting

3.  Goya’s piece has a dominant subject contrasting with a smaller one while Eisenstein’s doesn’t

3.  Eisenstein has a more realistic piece while Goya mixes fantasy with the sad reality of war


Feelings evoked:

  1. At first glance Goya’s piece brought on feelings of terror, awaiting inevitable tragic fate.  Which is how a lot of people battling in the war,  and outside of it must have felt. I empathized a great deal with the man getting terrorized by the demon-like creature (and the women he’s hiding behind).
  2. Eisenstein’s softer piece evoked a feelings of heart ache and confusion. I sensed the subject in the still to feel like she’s not in control of whatever situation she’s in and how desperate for liberation (from that feeling). Perhaps in the same way Eisenstein and his work were “freed from the state’s oversight”.



1 Comment

  1. Gabriel Morales

    I totally agree with the look of hopelessness and fear. Both artists made a well use of showing these emotions. I think the focal points are more visible because of the value range the composition is in. There is a sort of halo or outline being shown in the midst of a lowkey range

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