Fall 2017 | COMD1100_LC08 | Prof. Spevack

Urban Artifacts: Phase 3

On my 2nd phase of the project, I chose 2 sketches that resembled my theme the most. My theme; “Define rubbish and today’s society”. I felt that the ambiguous sidewalk represented today’s society best because, nobody cares about a sidewalk and that’s why you see gum all over it. But then you realize that sidewalks are one of the most important road constructions in today’s “Society”. And for the trashed “Coke” cup. It shows all of the rubbish you see on the street in today’s “Society”.


1 Comment

  1. Yunis

    In these examples of stable and ambiguous figure ground relationships, it’s a bit difficult to precisely claim what the stable and ambiguous would be. The gum spots are small so that leaves for a lot of negative space in the background keeping a still steady focus, on the spots. The coke might have a bit too much in the background but we’ve already seen the newer changes to these pieces and they were perfect.

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