Personal Design Style

Authorship has become a popular term in the creative industry. An author is someone who has a vision and who owns and creates their own work or projects. They also create something that has never been done before. They are able to do whatever they want in their designs because they have that creative freedom. The book, Graphic Design Theory by Helen Armstrong, also gave me a better understanding on what is an author. Examples of authors which were discussed in class is Steve Jobs, the creator of Apple, Quentin Tarantino a film director  and Marian Bantajes who is a graphic artist.

In the book, Helen Armstrong discusses about what an author is and the authorship in the design industry. She states that an author is someone who is original and creates and produces their own ideas. Authors in the creative industry needs to reach the top and not only that they have to stay at the top, thinking outside the box. Keeping track on what is out there, on what is trending in order to create things differently and unique.

Watching the Ted Talk Video in class called Beauty by Design by Marian Batjes. She talks about authorship as well. She states that as a designer she used to follow strategy and now she doesn’t. Her design work is visually appealing due to the element that she uses and not only that, she expresses her own individuality. She now follows her heart instead of using strategy. She likes to think about if her work brings emotion and curiosity, which she loves to express wonder  in her work She also works with different materials that people would never think of using such as sugar, macaroni, pasta noodles and much more. She claims that she is not a graphic designer but that she is a graphic artist and that she wants to inspire others with her work. Following her heart and expressing her individuality is what makes her a true author.