Author Archives: ChrisCaruso


In both “The Veldt” and “The Commuter” by Ray Bradbury and Phillip K. Dick respectively, we are introduced to people living within or amongst some type of alternate reality. In Bradbury’s story, the alt reality is within the home of … Continue reading

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The story “In the Penal Colony,” by Franz Kafka, examines the ways of a remote island colony where a unique and brutal form of justice is practiced. Designed by the previous and now deceased Commandant, this justice comes in the … Continue reading

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The first essay by Ursula K. LeGuin, “American SF and The Other”, essentially rips apart the genre from the inside out by highlighting the racial, sexual, and even class hierarchy that rules the character development, or lack of in her … Continue reading

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Before my take on what possibly had happened after Mclane left Quail behind, there is some context from the story that takes precedence in order to support my thoughts. Firstly, and most importantly, Quail cannot be shot dead and disposed … Continue reading

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“The Girl Who Was Plugged In” By James Tiptree Jr. (Alice Sheldon) is set in a distant future where advertising has become outlawed by the state. However, some very powerful people were able to find a loophole in this ban … Continue reading

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“A Voice in the Night”, by William Hope Hodgson, is a story essentially two parts. Part one is two sailors (Will and George) who come across a distress call in the distance as they are marooned in a fog. Part … Continue reading

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Each of the four themes can be extrapolated from the relationship between T’Gatoi, the Tlic and Lien the terran and her family. The one I felt the most in this story though, especially toward the end when we figure out … Continue reading

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Though earlier in the story the Slug suggests that the Tines may be of a species similar or the same as the Blabber and a brief description of their speculations on the beings, toward the bottom of page 47 begins … Continue reading

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CRC_Franz Kafka

Kafka Finally getting my files back up, here are the slides from my presentation (20FEB24) on Franz Kafka and his contributions to literature. Please enjoy and reach out if you have any questions! -Chris Caruso

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BP_3 C.Caruso

The citizens of Omelas have to be made aware of the existence of the child in the basement in order to understand the duality of their perfect world. On the one hand, they lead beautiful lives in a utopian wonderland … Continue reading

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The question that stuck out to me immediately was #3, “What role does technology play in shaping the dystopian society?” Beginning with “The Machine Stops” by E M Forster, technology is the glue that the fragments of society are clinging … Continue reading

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Chris Caruso: An Introduction

Hello everyone! My name is Christopher Caruso, and this is my third semester at NYCCT. I am currently an Industrial Design major expecting to graduate in the spring of 25′ and so far, so good! My interest in science fiction … Continue reading

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