Pears-2-Pears screen captures

Pears-2-Pears screenshots

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Pears-2-Pears [ javadoc / UML ]

Pears-2-Pears javadoc / UML

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“Pears to Pears” Databases

Here are the 2 databases that we will be using with the game. There’s one database for the cards in the deck, and another for the players. Any changes or additions are welcome. Here’s what I have so far:


Card I.D. (int)(Primary Key)
Card Text (String)
Image URL (String)
Card Color (String)

Card I.D. would be the primary key used to identify the cards. Card text represents the string text on the card, whether it is a noun or adjective. Image URL refers to the URL of the image that is to appear on the card. Card color refers to the type of card. Red cards have nouns on them, while the yellow cards have adjectives on them.


Player I.D. (int)(Primary Key)
Name (String)
Score (int)
Judge (Boolean)

Player I.D. would be the primary key of this table to identify the players. Name would represent the players’ names. In the case that there is more than 1 player with the same name, Player I.D. would help to differentiate them. Score would represent how many hand the player has won so far. Judge is a Boolean value to show which player is the judge of that round. There should only be 1 true value in the Judge column. The rest should be all false.

Again, any additions or changes are welcome.

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Pears to Pears Card List

Hey guys i generated a word list of about 506-Green Cards & 1828-Red Cards i know its alot but we can trim out the words most folk wont know or we can just leave it. It is in excel format and i have it in a txt format. I’m sure theres a way we can import it into SQL later if not i’ll figure it out


i’ll attach both copies

Card List <———–here

Also there is a plugin for excel that will alow us to export the data into a MYSQL table

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Pears-2-Pears UML (v1.0)

Class diagram. First iteration.

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The GUI!

Here is kind of what we had discussed in the lunch room. I’m open to any suggestion and any ideas on how we can improve it. This is a rough sketch ofcourse so please feel free to share ideas on the look and wording. I was just trying to figure out the names and stuff myself.

Thoughts on the judge identification? Do we need the J or just a color difference be enough.

Don’t worry about the size of the window. we’ll readjust that accordingly.

I’ve left the cards blank on purpose. I was not sure what to write on this stage of the design. We’ll discuss that more next we meet.

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Designing “Pears to Pears”

So Dmitry came up with the idea that we modify a game called “Apples to Apples”. The new version would be called “Pears to Pears”. Any ideas on how the GUI should look for it, so we can get started designing it? Also, does anyone have ideas on how we would implement it. So far, I understand we would need a client/server type of program, but what else do you guys think we would need?

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Battleshipis a guessing game for two players. The game is played on 4 10X10 Grids. On one grid the player arranges ships and records the shots by the opponent. On the other grid the player records his/her own shots. Before play begins, each player secretly arranges their ships on their primary grid. Each ship occupies a number of consecutive squares on the grid, arranged either horizontally or vertically. The number of squares for each ship is determined by the type of the ship. The ships cannot overlap (i.e., only one ship can occupy any given square in the grid). The types and numbers of ships allowed are the same for each player. These may vary depending on the rules. Ship can vary in size up to our liking. I think this would be great because we can implement a chat for players, we also can make it multiplayer.  This is just an idea from a game i loved to play growing up

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Pears2Pears is a network-oriented version of the popular party game “Apples to Apples” with some additional features.

Basic rules:

  • Each player is dealt seven “red-pear” cards; on each card is printed a noun or noun phrase, or possibly a gerund
  • The judge (a chosen player) draws a “yellow-pear” card on which is printed an adjective (“scary”, “humble”, “patriotic”, etc.), and places it face-up on the table for everybody to see
  • Then each player (except the judge) chooses a card that they think is the best match for the yellow-pear card, and places it face-down. The judge shuffles the red-pear cards, reads them (often aloud), and decides which noun is the best match for the adjective. This decision is subjective; the official rules encourage the judge to pick the match that is “most creative, humorous or interesting”
  • The player who submitted the chosen red-pear card wins the round, and takes the yellow-pear card to signify the win. All players then draw red cards until they have seven again, and the role of “judge” passes to the winner.
  • The winner is the first player to accumulate a pre-designated number of yellow-pear cards; the more players, the lower the total

Additional rules:

  • Each round discounts the last red-pear card played. This will encourage players to get their cards in more quickly.
  • Before a new round begins each player selects one red-pear card from his or her hand to pass on to the next player. Players pass the cards after drawing the seventh card but before the judge selects a yellow-pear card.
  • Every one out five consecutive rounds is a potpourri round: each player selects a red-pear card from his or her hand before the judge turns over the yellow-pear card. After the red-pear cards are played, the judge turns over a yellow-pear card. The judge selects the winning red card as usual.

The above rules will be closely modeled in the application which will also feature a chatbox for user interactions.

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Connect 4!

Well Connect 4 for the game I thought about when the project was first introduced. Just a little background if you are not aware of Connect 4.

Connect 4 is a two player game that works in a similar way to Tic-Tac-Toe. It consists of a 7X6 square board and the game is played when two players try to out smart the other by connecting 4 Red or Yellow circles. They can be connected horizontally, diagonally and Vertically.

Ofcourse I’m open to hearing ideas from the rest of you guys but this was just something that came to mind.


Connect 4

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